This source describes how violence should be maintained in times of armed conflict utilizing international standards. The book describes how the shifting character of such norms is dictated by the changing form of violence. The author advocates for various legal procedures in order to safeguard innocent victims. In dealing with ISIS, this book suffices in that it explains the historical context of war and how warfare has developed exponentially over time. Calling for exponential changes in dealing with such criminals. The book can assist anyone seeking to gain knowlede of criminal operatives, how they act, and how they are dealt with from a legal perspective.
Corrado, Raymond R., Irwin M. Cohen, and Garth Davies. "Terrorism Crime Prevention Policies in Liberal Democracies: Challenges, Dilemmas, and Options." Crime Prevention: International Perspectives, Issues, and Trends. New York: CRC Press, 2017. 283-316. Print.
This chapter deals with terrorism, defining the difference between terrorism and other crimes. It also explains the ways in which to use inteligence to mitigate terrorism. The effects of the cold war on counterrorism have been addressed. Upcoming issues on terrorism and terror identification have been discussed as well.
The reading is important as it deals with new terrorism strategies, with ISIS being one of them. Appying previous examples that were used to counter the atrocities, it is still possible to counter ISIS agression, therefore making the reading plausible for this research.
Ibrahim, Ahmad, & Srijal Sinha. "Rehabilitation of Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism: A Legal Analysis." Third International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV), 28-29, January 2016, Goa, India: SASCV 2016 Proceedings. K. Jaishankar, 2016.
This chapter discusses current waves of terrorism from a historical point of view up to the manner terrorists behave in current days. The modern aspects of terrorism and the behavior of criminals are followed by the fact how the international community reacts to terror threats and attacks. Measures of mitigating threats are suggested taking into consideration legal procedures as well as the plight of the victims. This paper discusses the issue of terrorism from all angles, thereby imparting the necessary knowledge requisite for understanding ISIS, their behavior, and the manner to curb their intrusions.
Hersey, John. Hiroshima. New York: Random House, 1989. Print.
This is an eyewitness account of the fateful atomic bomb atack that killed over 100,000 people in Hiroshima. The survivors tell about that events as they saw them. The book gives a good account of one of the greatest human atrocity that ever happened. It is a guide to some of the effects of war, issues that occurred, and the manner they happened.
Loveluck, Louisa, and Hugh Naylor. "Aleppo's Humanitarian Crisis Worsens While Islamic State Loses Key Syrian City." The Washington Post 13 Aug. 2016. Web.
This article highlights a firsthand experience of the Syrian crisis and the effects of the crisis on people from the perspective of Aleppo, a Syrian city. The direct effects of such problems as lack of water and rising costs of living on citizens are highlighted. This article is very important for this research as it outlines the reality on the ground and thus underpins the reasons for action. Once the plight of the powerless is highlighted in such a manner, it is possible to gain grounds for taking action. The humanitarian crisis in Aleppo is an indicator of the larger picture, and thus a call for immediate action.
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