about business negotiations

Given Rachel's Interaction with Sun-Set Constructions

It is clear that there are qualities of the company's goods, particularly the cladding it manufactures. As a result, Rachel has the option to use the distributive negotiating strategy in her upcoming discussions with the business. It would be important to conduct a background investigation on the company's products and services in order to compile a portfolio of its product description, qualities, and historical flaws before using this technique to bargaining. It is likely that Rachel did not contemplate conducting a background check on Sun-Set Constructions and the goods it provides to markets during the previous negotiation.

The Use of Distributive Bargaining Approach

The use of distributive bargaining approach to negotiations would make it possible for Rachel to develop a set of starting, target and resistance points. The resistance points would be useful in ensuring that the products required by Rachel and their attributes are specifically illustrated. This would make it necessary for Sun-Set Constructions to consider the client's quality specifications and, therefore, work towards providing high-quality products. In addition, using a distributive bargaining approach would attract the attention of the company in the sense that Corporation's agents would also have to develop a set of resistance points from which the negotiation would be developed. This would imply that both parties would only come to a compromise upon arriving at a common agreement with regards to the resistance points.

The Bargaining Range and its Inclusions

The bargaining range in this case would not come in the form of price per se, but would even include various attributes such as levels of inflammability and product fragility. With this approach to negotiation, Rachel would improve the state of her bargaining skills and even return to Sydney having completed a successful negotiation with the company. She has to consider the fact that she has to deliver a quality outcome in the tender for which she pursues the negotiation. The construction material quality is an essential element of her initial success in the tender management process. For this reason, a background study is necessary in ensuring that the final outcome of the tender or the construction process is a success. In this view, therefore, the distributive bargaining approach would be the most appropriate technique. Given her previous experience at Sun-Set Construction, this approach to negotiation would require a background study on product quality specifications and minimum conditions for the signing of an agreement with Sun-Set Construction.

Question 2

In the event that Rachel was to proceed to a negotiation with Sun-Set Construction, preparation would be a necessity. Given the cultural difference that exists between her and the Indian company and its representatives, reaching a common agreement would be an uphill task without a preliminary preparation. Negotiations across borders and cultures require critical attention to the aspect of culture. Rachel would have to acquire the required knowledge in order to understand the Indians' cognition of the negotiation elements and the parameters surrounding successful negotiations.

Preparation for Negotiations

Negotiators might not be able to fully understand new cultures. This would take several years. Therefore, a slight course into the Indian culture would enable Rachel to have a rough idea of the negotiation skills of the Indians. This would be a necessary starting point in preparation. In addition, she also needs to develop the moderate adaptation approach to the negotiation. In this case, she has to practice to improve some of the skills used by Indians in their negotiations to make the process successful. This would require her to master the concepts and skills applied by the Indians.

Finally, in preparing for the negotiations, Rachel would have to incorporate the conventional preparation procedure in setting out for the negotiation. The first step in this case would be to make the negotiation issue independent of the people involved. This would ensure that the issue remains noble. Secondly, it would be important to identify the interest of both parties. This would then lead to the third stage that requires brainstorming on the possible options. The fourth stage involves identifying the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) in the event that the negotiations fail to reach the ideal outcome. Finally, the focus would not be entirely on financial aspects. By incorporating this procedure to the cultural aspects, Rachel would end up with the best preparation session for negotiations with Sun-Set Construction.

Question 3

Part a: Tactics based in Cultural Differences

Given the cultural differences that exist between Rachel and the Indians, it would be appropriate to involve a third party in the negotiations. Enlisting an Indian in the negotiations process would be a useful tactic towards winning the attention of the agents at Sun-Set Construction. Research supports the fact that the third-party inclusion in a cross-cultural negotiation process eases the tension that exists between negotiators in an attempt to reach a conclusion.The cross-cultural negotiation would also require Rachel to research the counterpart's background and experience prior to the negotiation process. Understanding the other side of the negotiation process leads one into using the best methods to influence their reactions. The cognitive perceptions of the negotiator would heavily rely on mutual inclusion in the negotiation process.Finally, Rachel would have to apply the tactic of influencing the other party's resistance points. Despite cultural differences, the negotiation process would still be based on resistance points. Rachel has to create avenues towards weakening the other negotiators' resistance points. This could be through providing tactical offers that would be inclined to the cultural inclination of the Indians. Ethically, this would not amount to any form of bribe since the negotiation would require either side to make offers.

Part b: Electronic Forms of Negotiation

Electronic forms of negotiation are faster and more cost-effective. However, given the cultural differences that exist between Rachel and Sun-Set Corporation agents in India, this would not be the best platform. A cross-cultural negotiation requires a person to be able to react to situations as they arise. Physical presence would capture more attention than electronic negotiations. Despite being a formal approach to negotiations, electronic platforms would not provide an avenue for Rachel to debate on the resistance points of the other negotiators.In every conflict, there are chances of a conflict arising. Electronic negotiations do not provide an amicable platform on which negotiation conflicts would be solved. Consequently, any disagreement or conflict is likely to put the negotiation process in jeopardy. Coupled with cross-cultural differences, there would be low chances of the negotiations proceeding. Online negotiations also have little implications for reputation management. People often treat this as a casual form of interaction. More attention would be given to physical interaction than in the case of electronic negotiations. Attending the negotiation in person would help Rachel effectively bargain her way through the cross-cultural hurdles that might challenge the success of the negotiation process.

Part c: Alternatives

Rachel must have alternatives in mind while reaching an agreement with Sun-Set Construction. There should be alternative companies that would be able to provide the same services in Sydney or any other location from which she can transact business. An agreement with Sun-Set Construction might be considered not to be the best deal after an agreement has been reached. Therefore, leaving other options open would enable Rachel to ensure that the best company is provided with the tender to supply the construction material and that the best material is delivered for the work. Furthermore, it would be necessary for Rachel to have alternatives in case the current deal does not deliver the most desired outcome in the tender. This would ensure that future negotiations correct the errors committed in the previous agreements.

Question 4

Negotiating with the Indians would create a cross-cultural conflict in some instances. In this case, Rachel would have to apply the concept of social contract ethics. This requires the rightness of an act to be determined by the perceptions of the culture in which she is negotiating. She would have to learn the best practices among the Indians with regards to conflict resolution in the negotiation process. In order to survive through a negotiation process, every participant often has to rely on cultural and moral doctrines to provide the most suitable solution to a conflict in the event that it arises. Rachel would have to provide the company with the best alternatives from an ethical and moral standpoint in order to win the interest of the company.

The morality of using deception in negotiations would be a necessary ethical issue in the course of negotiating with Sun-Set Construction. The fact that Rachel has to solicit for the best construction material amidst conflicts and personal interests among the Indians means she would require certain aspects of deception. However, extreme deception that is unethical and unlawful would lead the whole process to futility. Consequently, Rachel has to be picky of the concepts and skills of moral deception that she applies in the course of the negotiation. Tactical deception would leap her through the obstacles that hinder success in the negotiation process.

In the event that Rachel would reach a position of difficulty with the Indians in the process of negotiations, it would be reasonable enough to consult her own conscience. This leads to the concept of personalistic ethics in which a person would have to rely on their own judgment of the situation to provide the best solution among alternatives. Furthermore, personalistic ethics would enable Rachel to be a solution maker rather than a problem creator in the process of negotiations. However, this concept should be used sparingly as it is likely to plunge her into a pool of conflict of interest. It is often necessary to take into account the other negotiators' stand and argument in any negotiation situation. This would help Rachel arrive at the best agreement with the Indians.


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Katz, Lothar. Negotiating International Business: The Negotiator’s Reference Guide to 50 Countries around the World. Charleston, S.C: Booksurge, 2006.

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Menkel-Meadow, Carrie, and Michael Wheeler. What’s Fair: Ethics for Negotiators? San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2012. http://public.eblib.com/choice/publicfullrecord.aspx?p=176880.

Schim, Stephanie Myers, and Ardith Z. Doorenbos. “A Three-Dimensional Model of Cultural Congruence: Framework for Intervention.” Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care, 3-4 (2010): 256–270. PMC. 2017.

Stoshikj, Marina “Integrative and Distributive Negotiations and Negotiation Behavior.” Journal of Service Science Research 1, (2014): 29-69. Doi: 10.1007/s12927-014-0002-8

Taplay Karyn, Jack Susan, Baxter Pamela, Eva Kevin and Martin Lynn. “Negotiating, Navigating and Networking: Three Strategies Used by Nursing Leaders to Shape the Adoption and Incorporation of Simulation into Nursing Curricula.” ISRN Nursing (2014): 1-7. doi: 10.1155/2014/854785

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