“A Streetcar Named Desire”

The primary goal of this article is to compose an essay comparing and contrasting the lack of empowerment for women in William's "A Streetcar Named Desire" and Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." It also seeks to clarify what happens to women who desire individualism and independence, as well as how male figures retain control over their female peers.
The Yellow Wallpaper and A Streetcar Called Desire
Tennessee Williams, a well-known American playwright, wrote this play/book. It was released for the first time on December 3rd, 1947. p. 34 (Tennessee) Blanche, Stella, and Stanley Kowalski are among the main characters. Most of the Women in this play/book lack empowerment; this means that they lack power or authority. Lack of Women empowerment is clearly depicted in this book in the sense that most of the Women do not have formal/official jobs. Women are also segregated in the society; this means that they separated from fellow Women and the society (Tennessee, p. 23). They are denied the right of freedom and interaction with their male counterparts

Lack of Women empowerment is also portrayed when we see the male counterparts using Physical violence so as to control Women. Some also use strong/threatening words. A good example of such a character is Stanley Kowalski (Tennessee, p. 22). Stanley uses physical violence and abusive words to control Stella Kowalski. The battle of Power struggle is also evident when we see Blanche and Stanley fighting for Power and control. In this case; Stanley wants control and power over his close circle and friends. In the end we get to see that Stanley wins the struggle and disempowers Blanche. Women in this play/book also lack empowerment since they do not have the right make their own decisions and choices

The Yellow Wallpaper was originally published on January 1892 (Gilman, p. 54). It was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Some of the main characters that are reflected in this book include; The Woman in the Wallpaper, Mary, John and Jennie. Based on this book; women lack empowerment since most of the male characters have power and influence over them. The male counterparts in this book use Power and influence to control the lives of Women (Gilman, p. 15). A good example that can be used to expound on this point is that John decides to confine the narrator based on the opinion of other men.

Women also lack empowerment since they have limits imposed on them. Women are denied to enjoy the same rights and freedoms as compared to men (Gilman, p. 26). Based on this book; Women had very few rights and privileges. Women are regarded as subjects to the Whims of men. This means that Women have been portrayed as people who assist Men in their daily tasks. A good example of such a Woman is Jennie; she works as housekeeper and is satisfied with that kind of job (Gilman, p. 43). During the time when the book was written; Housekeeping was regarded as a notable profession.

When we compare and contrast both of this books; it is evident that Women have been assumed as people who do not deserve to be in the society. Women have no rights and privileges as compared to Men. They are considered as whimps and servants to the Men (Gilman, p. 34). After a close comparison; it is also evident that Women in both books/plays do not have the same Powers and authority as compared to their male counterparts. Women have less Power; they cannot be able control their own life. In both books; they live in an environment that is dictated by men.

They have to live with the rules and conditions that have been set for them. They also lack proper Jobs (Tennessee, p. 19). Women were not given official or formal jobs. They were only reserved for poor kind of jobs such as housekeeping. This was the noblest job that a Woman could ever get. Generally; it is safe to say the fact that despite the fact that this books/plays have a different story line and characters, it is safe to say the fact the lack of empowerment in both texts is very similar. Despite the contrast that this books were written by different authors in different times; the kind of treatment that Women in A Streetcar Named Desire receive is the same type of treatment that is depicted in the Yellow Wallpaper.

Some of the Women who tried to revolt this kind of life by fighting for Women’s rights were caught and arrested by the various councils of men (Gilman, p. 64). Some were even imprisoned for a long time. Most of the Women who tried to seek for independence and individualism did not have a smooth ride in life. Most of them suffered under the hand of men. In order to main dominance over the females; Males had to ensure that Women did not receive Education, they rights and privileges were also limited to a great length (Tennessee, p. 83). This would ensure that they would not get power and control over them.

Works Cited

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The yellow wallpaper and other writings. Bantam Classics, 2013.

Tennessee, Williams. A streetcar named desire. New Directions, 2015.

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