Zora Neale Hurston, who was born in Notasulga, Alabama, developed into a literary legend in the United States. John and Lucy, Zora's parents, were instrumental in developing her poetic heritage. Her works have emerged as significant American literary masterpieces as a result of her prominence in the field. In the past, various articles have been written to depict various topics found in her literary works.

Hurston achieved this by giving black people a feeling of satisfaction and wholeness in her descriptions—a quality that is uncommon in literature. (xii-xiii). She goes further and writes about poor southern black folk and portrays biased negative image of blacks from the southern region in her works of literature.

(b). She uses narrative techniques to bring up a different vision of the back people, which she represents with reference to black women's bodies. In some of her works of literature, Hurston links the female characters in the narrative with the distinctive landscape of the south. This is meant to expound on the reversal process where women attain what rightfully belongs to them.

(c). The author also links her character with elements of the environment, such as a storm, the sea and a serpent which are evident in her works; TEWWG, Seraph and Sweat respectfully. These natural forces and animals assist the characters in attaining vengeance for the suffering they had undergone. Her works portray the struggle and fight for liberation by the black woman. For example in Sweat, Delia is not pleases with how Syke treats her and she condemns his actions verbally. However, she finds herself hopeless when her husband passes on.

(3) Conclusion

(i) It's clear that Hurston's main concerns in her works were about the freedom of the Blacks and also on women sexuality. This is because she is part of the Southerners and she understood vividly what they were going through.

Works cited

Akins, Adrienne. "Just Like Mister Jim: Class Transformation from Cracker to Aristocrat in Hurston's Seraph on the Suwanee". Mississippi Quarterly, no. 63.1, 2010, pp. 31-43.

Clarke, Deborah. "The Porch Couldn't Talk for Looking: Voice and Vision in Their Eyes Were Watching God." Zora Neale Hurston. Ed. Bloom, Harold. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2007.

Hurston, Zora N. "Sweat: Novels and stories". New York: Literary Classics, 1995.

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