Your First Two Years In Youth Ministry A Personal And Practical Guide To Starting Right

The Central Theme of the Book

The central theme of the book focuses on the steps of self-development, especially during the earlier years as a youth minister. The book lays much focus on the youth ministry on how the young people can establish a strong spiritual belief while still dealing with the numerous challenges that come their way.[1] On the other hand, the author creates very vivid ideas which are inclined to the central theme of youth ministry. Some of the major ideas that the author brings forth include how the youth ministers can handle issues of discouragement, conflict resolution, and enhanced change. The other issues that Fields also touch on include building of the strong spiritual foundation, establishment of the positive relationship, carrying out work with volunteers and many more tasks and work.

Author's Purpose

The author's purpose for writing the book was significant to underscore the difficulty that is faced by most young people during the early days of their ministry. The author assures that despite the most tempting times, there are possibilities and skills which may be useful in helping them to get through the tough situations within the spiritual ministry. In providing the above encouragement and assurance, Doug Fields mainly seeks his message to reach groups such as the ministry volunteers, the various students, and professors within universities, elders and church boards. The author also targeted senior pastors and even the different youth groups who continue to face the challenges of working under unfavourable conditions.

The Concept of a Christian Foundation

Based on the work of Fields, the concept of a Christian foundation is very evident. The author stresses that the initial days of ministry come with various challenges.[2] Douglas notes that the initial days are always marked with lots of failures mainly due to the unstructured systems and lack of proper preparation for the problems that still lie ahead. Some of the challenges that the book brings forth include the difficulty of discouragement, having to cope with difficult persons or even the inability to handle responsibility. The author also notes that the history of the youth ministry has always been marked by a lot of challenges, especially during the initial stages. The author drew from the above problems and used that to dwell on the various solutions that may enhance the success of the ministry. Doug lived on the past difficulties to help in building a better youth ministry.

Applicability of Concepts in Contemporary Culture

The concepts that are brought forth by Dough are highly applicable within the youth ministry in the contemporary culture. At present, the motivation for the youth ministry has always been driven by the need for self-gratification. Youth ministry leaders have always associated their position with financial and economic gains and the wild of power that they may poses. The concept that is put forward by Doug, however, points out that the role of a youth minister should be purely that of stewardship and being able to serve others.[3]

Challenges Faced by Contemporary Youth Ministries

Additionally, the youth ministries in the contemporary world are still faced with numerous challenges. Within the book, Doug notes that despite the changes, the various youth ministries must always remain resilient even in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Established Religious Leaders

The other significant lessons that the author provides within the book is also on the need for the established religious leaders to help in the development process of the youth ministry. The critical point is reflected in the need to establish leadership and upholding of the religious ethics by the young leaders. The author argues that moulding the young generation of youth leaders needs continuous focus on building and empowering the youth.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book

The book, however, presented many strengths and weaknesses. The main advantage of the book is based on the appeal that the author uses in his approach to passing through his message. Doug uses a casual, yet appealing tone to the youth on how they may be able to overcome the challenges that they may face within the ministry.[4]

The approach also used by the author that is based on his lifestyle challenges as a point of reference may also be beneficial in identifying him to the readers. Finally, the author seems to understand his audience and thus uses an approach that favors a religious group. Doug does not seem preachy but rather relays his message through a well-styled path of humility.

On the other hand, the major weakness that was visible in the book is the fact that the author is basing all the arguments from his perspective. Despite the numerous challenges that are available within the youth ministry, the author only focused on the specific problems that he faced. The author then uses the above challenges as the primary basis through which he seeks to provide solutions.

Overall, the author seems to have used a lot of writing skills and an understanding of his audience to pass through the message. Though the book is based on a religious setting, the author has managed to include exploratory skills and an approach that suits the primary audience who is the youth. Further, Doug seemed to have led to passing through his message by providing his evidential examples and the various challenges that he faced as a youth ministry leader. However, the author should have identified himself more with the contemporary youth ministry setting. Despite being a youth minister about 20 years earlier, Doug has still presented the very challenges that he faced back then as the primary basis for arguing out the book.


Fields, Doug. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Books published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.

[1] Fields, Doug. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Books published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.

[2] Fields, Doug. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Books published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.

[3] Fields, Doug. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Books published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.

[4] Fields, Doug. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Books published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.

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