WIC Nutrition Program

Situation: Due to income shortages, some households are not able to give nutritious food to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers hence the need for this program

Inputs Activities Outputs Impacts

The logical framework above indicates that the WIC nutrition program is effective since the project seems to be achieving its main goal which is to increase nutritional awareness among pregnant and breastfeeding mothers from low-income households. Partnerships with external stakeholders such as community-based organizations and other health institutions is one of the greatest strengths of the program since this level of networking is essential for a successful program implementation (Larson & Gray, 2013). Furthermore, the vigorous process of verifying the identification documents ensures that only qualified applicants are admitted into the program hence preserving the integrity of the program so that taxpayers do not feel as if their money is being misused. Since training is carried out by well-trained professionals, they can identify the knowledge gaps in the target audience and using their expertise; they are able to deliver training programs most suitably. Besides, the program contributes significantly to equality since its efforts lead to improvement of the conditions of the less fortunate in the society which is a manifestation of the American belief that every individual is their brother’s keeper (Larson & Gray, 2013).

Though this program is aimed at ensuring that pregnant and breastfeeding women eat healthy foods, the trickle-down effects affect the whole family since the mothers prepare meals for their households hence contributing to a more robust population (Heldman, 2011). The logical framework above indicates that for a project to succeed, one needs clear outcomes and the activities necessary to achieve the identified goals.


Heldman, K. (2011). Project management jumpstart. John Wiley & Sons.

Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. (2013). Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill.

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