Why Some People Become Addicts to Alcohol and Drugs

Addiction is termed to be a chronic condition where a person develops a desire to seek and use drugs and take alcohol. Addiction is difficult to control and result in harmful effects. Continued use of drugs and alcohol leads to changes in the brain systems which makes it hard for one have self-control. The changes interfere with the person’s ability to resist intense urges of taking alcohol or drugs. Notably, many individuals do not understand how and why some people become addicts to alcohol and drugs. Some think that these people lack moral principles and that they choose to abuse drugs willingly. However, in reality, the process of drug and alcohol addiction is complex and the changes in the brain make quitting a hard process. Taking drugs and alcohol changes the brain wiring system resulting in ways that alter the brain functioning. Therefore, even though one could have the desire to stop, it becomes difficult and results in relapse. Some individuals are born risk takers and more prone to engage in risky behaviors like taking alcohol and substance abuse. This paper will delve into the analysis of why some people become alcohol and drug addict while some do not.

Genetics and Other Biological Factors

Genetics is termed to be one of the major factors that play a significant role in determining the person's addiction to drugs and alcohol. Neuroscientists classify persons on the spectrum of very high and low-risk addiction. People who have a history of multi-generational addiction tend to become very high addicts. Also, Neuroscientists report that genetics contribute for 40% to 60% of addiction on some people (Becker, 2008). Ali et al. (2011) assert that children of addicts are eight times more likely to develop addiction compared to children raised with non-addict parents. In the same vein, individuals who do not have a history of family addiction to alcohol or drugs have a low risk of developing an addiction. Other genetic factors which facilitate addiction is ethnicity, gender and having mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression or mood disorders. There are some ethnic groups which abuse drugs more than others (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2016). Therefore, people born in such ethnic group many think that taking drugs and alcohol is a normal aspect of life. Moreover, the male gender is more prone to get addicted than the female gender. Boys are easily influenced by peer pressure when it comes to drugs and alcohol. Many people even think that the taking drugs and alcohol is more related to the male gender than the female gender. According to Ali et al., people with mental disorders could seek self-defense in drugs and alcohols and with time lead to addiction (Ali et al., 2011).

Environmental Risks and Influences

Different people grow up in different environments and thus get exposed to various environmental factors.  Numerous aspects linked to a person’s environment are vital in influencing addiction behavior. These factors include peer pressure, friends, family and sexual abuse (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2016). Other environmental facets that influence addiction are stress factors, parental involvement and socioeconomic status. Peer pressure from friends is one of the major factors that make people engage in taking drugs and alcohol and with time become addicts. Notably, shy teens who have the desire to fit into a certain environment are more influenced by peer pressure and forced to experiment with alcohol or drugs. In fact, Becker mentions that teenagers who take alcohol and drugs before the age of fourteen are at a greater risk of becoming addicted as opposed to those who take drugs and alcohol in the 20s (Becker, 2008).  A child brought up in an environment where family members such as parents abuse drugs and take alcohol, he or she is at a higher risk of developing an addiction. If one experiences sexual abuse, the person also may seek to abuse drugs due to stress. Children from rich families and have high socioeconomic status are also said to be prone to becoming drug addicts compared to those from poor families.


Genetics and environment interact with the development process of an individual. For instance, the adolescents are still developing in their brain parts in aspects that constitute decision making, judgment and self-control in their brain parts. The areas of the brain are not yet fully developed in teenagers and are thus at more risks of becoming addicts (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2016). Environment and genetics interrelate with the critical stages of people’s development and cause vulnerability to addiction.

Changes in the Brain That Cause Drug Addiction

Drugs and alcohol affect the brain reward circuit and culminate overproduction of dopamine. As one continues to take the drugs and alcohol, the brain adjusts to the excess dopamine, a neurotransmitter which results in addiction. The reward system controls pleasure and motivates individuals to repeat the behaviors that are required to generate it like taking drugs (Becker, 2008). Overstimulation of dopamine leads to the intense pleasure which drives one to take drugs over and over again. Prolonged use of alcohol and drugs leads to severe effects and relapses. This is because, over time, the drugs deplete the brain dopamine and eventually culminate in the destruction of dopamine receptor wiring. Thus, a person becomes addictive to the drug and alcohol. Pleasure, dependence and cravings are some of the causes of the abuse. Chronic use causes permanent damage to the brain, impairs judgment, and decreases motor skills. Increase in blood pressure contracts the vessel and thus leading to life-threatening effects such as stroke, heart attack and increase in blood pressure. Psychological and behavioral changes are other impacts. Patterns of brain abnormality result especially to chronic drug and alcohol users and thus addiction.

Drug dependence causes withdrawal when drugs are not taken. Also, the drug users enjoy the pleasure derived from the drug.  The neural activity of pleasure and behavior are the underlying reason for abuse. Drugs produce typical stimulant effects to the users, inducing desire for pleasure. Stimulus and response are associated with addition outcome which determines the probability of use in the future. The stimulus-response elicits a habitual response which conditions reinforcement and impulsivity in the users.


Alcohol and drug addiction is a chronic condition and related to detrimental health outcomes. Genetics, environmental factors and development are critical factors that make some people be more drug and alcohol addicts compared to others. Long-term use of the drugs impairs learning, decision making, stress, judgment, memory and behavior. Addiction affects the brain and even though one may have the desire to stop, it becomes difficult and causes relapses. The alterations impact on the brain functioning and cause relapses. Drugs affect the reward system and culminate in overproduction of dopamine and the brain adjusts to the excess chemical release.


Ali, S., S. Onaivi, E., R. Dodd, P., L. Cadet, J., Schenk, S., J. Kuhar, M., & F. Koob, G. (2011). Understanding the Global Problem of Drug Addiction is a Challenge for IDARS Scientists. Current Neuropharmacology, 9(1), 2-7. doi: 10.2174/157015911795017245

Becker c. Howard. (2008). Alcohol Dependence, Withdrawal, and Relapse. Journal of Alcohol Research Health. Retrieved on May 13, 2018 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3860472/

National Institute of Drug Abuse. (2016). Understanding Drug Use and Addiction. Retrieved on May 13, 2018 from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/understanding-drug-use-addiction

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