“Why more students don't use the counseling center.”

The Avoidance Factors of Counseling Services

The purpose of this article is to identify the avoidance factors that discourage both adults and students from pursuing counseling services. The study's results indicate that issue type, differences in the counseling environment, cultural traits, and demographics are among the reasons people avoid counseling on a regular basis. My study will greatly benefit from this article because it will clarify more reasons why students might avoid the counseling center.

Nina, A. (2009). awareness of and utilization of counseling services by international pupils. McNair Scholars Research Journal, 5(1), 6.

International Students' Awareness and Use of Counseling Services

In this article, Nina (2009) examines international student's awareness and use of counseling services. The study seeks to understand the impact of underutilization and awareness of counseling services on academic stress of international students. The findings depict there is a significant difference in academic stress between international students who seek counseling services and those who do not. This study will help in expanding the scope of the research to international students and not only on a perspective of domestic students.

Onabule, A. I., & Boes, S. R. (2013). International students' likelihood to seek counseling while studying abroad. Journal of International Students, 3(1), 52-59.

Likelihood of Seeking Counseling Services Among International Students

In this article, the authors sought to determine the likelihood of seeking counseling services among international students mainly because of the stressors they experience. The findings show that the likelihood depends on the factors such as counseling style and nationality among others. This study will be helpful in giving a wide perspective of the study.

Flansburg, T. (2012). Factors Involved in College Students' Use of Counseling Services. Master of Social Work Clinical Research.

Factors Associated with College Students' Use of Counseling Services

The purpose of this research was identifying some of the major factors that are associated with the use of college counseling services by students. The findings reveal that some of these factors include gender, stigma, culture, accessibility and fear, and experience and knowledge. This study will help because it directly addresses why students may feel the need not to seek counseling services.

Snyder, J. F., Hill, C. E., & Derkson, T. P. (1974). Why some students do not use university counseling services. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(4), 263-268.

Reasons for Not Using University Counseling Services

In this study, the authors specifically examined why students do not use counseling services offered at the university. The findings show that other alternatives such as talking to friends and failure to understand the magnitude of their problems caused students not to use counseling services. This will be of help because it gives a historical perspective of the topic as it was done close to forty decades ago.


Flansburg, T. (2012). Factors Involved in College Students' Use of Counseling Services. Master of Social Work Clinical Research.

Nina, A. (2009). International students' awareness and use of counseling services. McNair Scholars Research Journal, 5(1), 6.

Onabule, A. I., & Boes, S. R. (2013). International students’ likelihood to seek counseling while studying abroad. Journal of International Students, 3(1), 52-59.

Snyder, J. F., Hill, C. E., & Derkson, T. P. (1974). Why some students do not use university counseling services. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(4), 263-268.

Vogel, D. L., Wester, S. R., & Larson, L. M. (2007). Avoidance of counseling: Psychological factors that inhibit seeking help. Journal of Counseling & Development, 85(4), 410-422.

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