Who Am I Essay?

Who am I - A Classic Game with a Twist

Who am I is an old classic but does not have to be the gimmicky or complicated version of itself. Instead, it can be tailored to suit the mood and age range of your party.

Using Names of Things

One way to do this is to use names of things, such as apples, houses, trees and so on. This is a good way to get everyone involved, but the most important thing is to have fun with it and not worry about being too competitive.

Choosing Names with High Appeal

A good rule of thumb is to choose names that are in a category with high appeal. This may include Bible characters, sports stars or actors, depending on the composition of your group.

How to Play

The game is played by all players displaying a post it note with a name on it that is written in an agreed-upon category. The person to guess the name first wins.

Discovering Yourself Through Passion and Strengths

It’s a great time to learn about your self, and the best way to do that is to explore all your passions and strengths. By doing this, you’ll be able to live the life of your dreams and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

You’ll be more likely to achieve this if you make sure that you are making the right decisions, and that your actions are in line with your values. This will help you to discover the real you and avoid being overwhelmed by the plethora of other people out there.

An Icebreaker and Fun Social Activity

The best part of this exercise is that it can also be used as a icebreaker, and it’s a fun way to introduce new people to your social circle. This is especially true if your game involves some sort of a prize or reward, such as a gift basket or a trip out to dinner.

The game is a hoot, but it can be a bit tricky to master. If you’re playing in a fast-paced party environment, it may be a good idea to change up the rules of the game and allow for multiple questions per player.

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