United States Presidential Policies and Budgetary Process

Trump's Policy Initiatives

Trump has been able to sign 53 measures into law during his presidency. His statutory outline's success or failure throughout his term is debatable. The annual fiscal year starts on the first Monday of February and ends on the first of October (Longley, 2017).

Immigration Policy

Trump pledged to deport eleven million illegal immigrants, build a wall along the border with Mexico, and banish Muslim settlement, among other significant policy initiatives. While in office, he made a decision to thoroughly examine immigrants as an alternative to the ban. Half of the émigrés have been permitted to reside and labor in the U.S without nationality. The second policy is on employment whereby, the President has resorted to increasing more esteemed employments. The Gross Domestic product has been on the upsurge since Obama's reign, and in Trump's power, economic populism has been kept afloat by a marginalized populace whose well-being has not been progressing. The low-class level Americans trust that the commercial structure gives special treatment to the high social class and they have not been incorporated in the salvaging of the monetary collapse. Policy on climate change has also been made in which, Trump declared an annulment on the contract of the Paris climate as well as American aid for UN Global warming plans. As a source of energy, coal has decreased from the past years up until 2015. Renewables have been on the upsurge in their share. Trump's initial undertaking to recover the production of clean coal may transpose the tendency. Obama care interchange is another policy. This will be done by boosting competitiveness amid markets in diverse countries. Cutting of tax is another policy proposal. Trump assured Americans of the utmost tax insurgency since the Reagan tax development (Kliff, 2017).

Budgetary Process

Instigation of the Federal budget procedure is done in the Executive Division with financial plan construction. The head of state surrenders his budget to the legislature, every first Monday of February. After rereading, an economical resolve is then implemented. There are four significant phases contained in the financial development. The initial stage is Formulation of the Budget. Here, organizations fix main concerns and improve budget appeals. OMB auditors then plan for meetings to discuss proposals in adherence to presidential priorities. Program enactment and economical limitations. The unit commences on the grounding of resources contained within in the published presidential financial plan, and proper scrutiny that describe and validate the budget. The second phase comprises Congressional process and Presentation of the Budget. How the Legislative body brings together the numerous monetary linked activities constitutes the congressional budget procedure. The third stage is the Implementation of the Budget. The Government's economic disposition for a financial year includes the organization of endorsed rules, giving annexations aimed at an annual commercial period. The fourth phase is Audit and Evaluation. Distinct agencies are accountable for the adherence of their acquired responsibilities and subsequent expenditures to the requirements of the empowering and assumptions regulation and other decrees and codes of practice overriding debt and assets expenses (U.S Department of Education, 2017).

Constraints on the Lawmaking Organization

Discussions on the lawmaking organization are impacted and inhibited by many factors. These include; reelection. How policymakers elect could upset their reputation and define which electors will back them in the next balloting. Lobbyists also affect legislation. These are reserved dignitaries employed by concern groups to impact the resolutions made by management executives. They put forward new decrees, requisition, stream study and facts that wires their basis. Political parties and constituents are another influence, since they have mutual notions and objectives on the functioning of the management in state ruling. Another control by components is on casting votes, remonstrating, and representation, amassing and imploring. Other influences consist of private ideals and philosophies (Wnukowski, 2016).


Agencies endeavor to impact the government by using activists to develop and safeguard their well-being. This is done through giving information, persuasion and compelling legislators to uphold the set goals. Additional guidelines equate to extra lobbyists, which include credit card corporations, banks, joint assets and businesses in trade, industry, and service who possibly would be swayed by an alteration in the laws. Lawmaking role in making financial arrangements has changed in due course. It has authority to appropriate public funds thus its crucial role in civic planning and liability before economic expansion by the policymakers. The legislator's dynamic association in the commercial procedure is vital. Principal functions include; evaluation and deliberation of the administration's draft and former stake financial plan. This comprises its income approximations and expenditure strategies. It also consents to expenditure to enact the yearly commercial plot. Additionally, the legislature evaluates carrying out of the budget, and in few republics, it lawfully supports and expels the régime after annual economic enactment. Participation also includes debates of pre-budget, appraisal of managerial mid-term economic policy, endorsement of auxiliary resources that transform the original budget approved by legislature and inspection of information by the exterior examiner (Paul Posner, 2013).


In my analysis, the federal budget developed by the President has crucial roles. One, it enlightens the assembly on the Head of state's approval for general national monetary plan. This is established by three chief modules; money the state rule ought to employ on communal drive, amount the administration ought to receive as tariff returns, amount of debit the administration has a duty to run. Secondly, the budget sets presidential main concerns for centralized agendas such as security. Lastly, the budget indicates to parliament sanctions of expenditure and income tax dogmas by the commander.


Kliff, S. (2017, February 28). Trump proposed 5 specific policies to replace Obamacare. Here’s how they work. Retrieved from https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/2/28/14771954/trump-congress-obamacare-plan

Longley, R. (2017, May 24). About The President’s Annual Budget Proposal. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/the-presidents-budget-proposal-3321453

Paul Posner, C.-K. P. (2013). Role of the Legislature. Journal on Budgeting, 26.

U.S Department of Education. (2017, January 19). Budget Process in the U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from https://ed.gov/about/overview/budget/process.html?src=ct

Wnukowski, R. (2016, February 19). Influences on the Legislative Branch. Retrieved from https://prezi.com/yweofuqzy8kf/influences-on-the-legislative-branch/

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