Thought Process Leading to the Development of the Problem Statement for This Study

When drafting the study's issue statement:

The thought process was influenced by the notion that this section is the most significant and useful piece in any endeavor to answer a specific problem. It simply and swiftly focused my mind on a well-defined problem. I realized that having a very powerful problem was not an option. I came up with three ideas. First, what is the problem that I sought to explore, when and where it occurs, how I know this, what are the difficulties' ramifications, and what are the likely solutions? and which benefits would come with them. My thought process about the problem statement ensured that nothing more than providing a problem declaration would be detailed. From the start to end of the thought process that lead to the development of the problem statement I ensured that it had to be simple, clear, and easily understood by any reader.

What Was the Thought Process Leading to the Development of the Research Questions for This Study?

The thought process when developing the research questions for this study was no different with style adopted when developing the statement of the problem. The statement of the problem influenced all development of the research questions. I thought of the most probable questions that would emanate from the statement of the problem that I had defined. This means that I thought on how each of the defined question would help in addressing specific issues that had been raised in the statement of the problem. My thought also involved how to develop concise questions that would provide a summary of what I would describe in the problem statement. Additionally, I thought on the availability of evidence to use in the formulation of answers to the topic. In other words, I thought on questions which I would easily find compelling information to make analysis. Thus, I was very cautious on the questions which I developed.

What Steps Did You Take to Mitigate the Potential for Bias from Your Research?

I took a number of steps to mitigate on the potential bias that would have arisen in the course of the research. First, I reviewed the guidelines provided for conducting a research. Reading and understanding the guidelines ensured that I did not deviate from the described instructions. Secondly, to avoid bias I started my research early. I made drafts on the progress of the study and gave myself enough time to assess areas that I would have been biased and made the necessary adjustments. Thirdly, information and data reviewed from articles and internet sources was acknowledged when developing the research project rather than later. This means that no errors or misinformation was introduced in the literature review or analysis of evidence. Finally, I asked my peers to review the study project at various stages. This helped in objectively finding signs of bias within the work which I would not have noticed.

Why Do You Believe Your Research Has Important Implications for Leadership?

There are a number of reasons which I believe the research I have conducted has critical implications for leadership. First, business administrators are leaders by their own right in the organization. Their decisions have huge implications on the operations of the organization. The research conducted implies that due to the changing nature of doing business, today's leaders are faced with a growing crop of problems and challenges that require a holistic approach to solve them. A leader in today's organization should value the input by all employees and strive to ensure that they satisfy their needs for improved organizational performance. This research also implies that a leader needs to be physically involved with the daily operations in the organization. They should make decisions based on their experience and always practice management by walking around. A leader should be more than a manager. Future leaders will require having extensive skills to absorb the trends in the market caused by technological advancement.

How Will Your Research Help Organizational Leaders Develop a Model or Method for Addressing the Problem Defined by Your Study?

Leaders in an organization can develop a model to address the problems detailed in the study by utilizing the suggestions provided in the recommendation section. The research has provided some recommendations which can be used by organizational leaders to address specific problems surrounding business administration. Development of a solution model would entail understanding the problems that the research investigated, the analysis of evidence, and finally the recommendations provided. Importantly for the organization is to ensure that model is developed by individuals with an extensive knowledge of business administration. This implies that professional administrators should take charge of developing a model that the organization should adopt to address the underlying problems for this function. My research provides a wide range of information which is arranged in an easy-to-follow way that would provide organizations with knowledge on issues that they had not considered previously. The present research has current data and information which would be useful in developing a strong and cohesive model.

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