The Tomb of the Marquis Dai Family

Mawangdui: A Historic Tomb Site in China

Mawangdui is a three separate tomb site found in china, in the eastern suburb of Changsha city.

The Owners of Mawangdui

The prime minister of Changsha state during the AD periods, Li Chang and his wife and son, Xing Zhui and Li Xi owned the site. However, some sources state that other than Li Chang, there were other two -tycoon families who equally owned the site. These are the Marquis Dai family who died 168AD, and buried in tomb 2, Li Chang, who died in 186AD and buried in tomb 1, and another family who are not clearly stated. The construction of the hospital in around 1963 in this region led to the discovery of these tombs.

The Fascinating Discovery of the Corpse

Most archeological sites have their history that makes them attractive to visit and fascinating to write about. Just Like any of these sites, with Changsha, it was the discovery of the number one tomb owner a putrescent-resist woman's corpse aging over 2000 years old. The corpse looked still fresh on discovery as if a day old after death, with flesh still on the body, the joints still flexible and had around 80 litters of liquid still in the body. This was the biggest tomb of the three tombs. In addition, sources state that there have been more than 3000 relics excavated from this region, including lacquer wares, weapons, and silk books amongst others.

The Cultural Significance of the Artifacts

The inner side of the woman's coffin had a painting, the colorful silk painting that has the highest artistic value painting in China. Other than this artifacts, there was also a banner found in the tomb, the banner had a picture of a noblewoman on her journey to heaven. This banner is believed to give a clear picture and cultural belief of the ancient Chinese.

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