The Role of Leadership in Airbus Company

Proper leadership and managing leaders in an organization are the two most significant steps towards the success and achievement of the particular goals as well as the missions that are set out by the company. Notably, one of the cornerstones of an organization is a leader because he is involved in the various decision makings on a daily basis at the company. In this essay, the company of Airbus will be used in exploring the issue of managing leaders and leadership (Ahn, Adamson & Dornbusch, 2004). Markedly, leadership is usually within reach of many individuals, it develops over a period, and it is also acquired with the experience. An evaluation that is done within an organization regarding leadership usually results in the realization of both the promising members as well as the weak ones and also prepares the business for the coming challenges. Several companies consider various steps that include coaching, training as well as mentoring to nurture leaders with abilities to provide strategic support that accelerates the development in the pursuit of the company's missions.

            In the Airbus Company, the CEO, Tom Enders, leads another group of leaders and employees in ensuring there is the standard delivery of services as well as customers' satisfaction. In a bid to achieve the organization's goals, the company through its leadership developed a fully illustrated and comprehensive instructor guide for its airplanes whose contents support the effective implementation of safety when flying (Palus, 2007). Further, the company in question, through its leadership has adopted the system assessment tool for managing the leaders. It ensures the authorities efficiently assess the management system and ensure safety. additionally, in the help of protection regarding the front-line personnel, and while dealing with the aircraft, there exists a mission request toolkit that is of vade mecum. Markedly, the other implementation that the company has done to ensure their goals for safety includes the determination of the period of latency of fault.

Pointedly, the leadership also came up with the strategy of awarding those who perform extraordinarily in the measures of safety as well as innovations every year, and the winners are awarded not only money but also are recognized. This strategy encourages innovation in every employee, and every individual strives to follow the safety guidelines that are stipulated to win the prize and recognition (Ahn, Adamson & Dornbusch, 2004). Also, the leadership organizes various corporate safety seminars that are often held by the company where the employees are trained in a variety of safety measures on a yearly basis. The training involves both in-flight and classroom coaching. The trainees receive valuable knowledge of operating in poor weather with probably low visibility and visual awareness.

The leadership of the Airbus Company has set standards of conducts in the business that clearly define the expectations of the company from the employees. It stipulates the virtues required of the workers as well as actions that the company may take in a case where an employee violates the standards therein. The formation of these relevant policies aims to keep the company, the employees, the consumers as well as the suppliers safe from any potential no-conformity action (Bouilloud & Deslandes, 2015). The leader’s corrective actions are implemented in the company regarding any identification of a source indicating a sign of non-conformity. The effectiveness of these corrective strategies is ensured by an investigation that is systemic and aims at finding the failure's cause. 

Another strategy should by the leadership in question in running the company effectively and concentrating on quality control is evident in the five pillars exhibited in the quality management system that is put in place. The pillars include integration processes, which entails the holistic approach that they give to the process design (Bouilloud & Deslandes, 2015). The other pillars include the flexibility of their system, the vigour with which it monitors and manages the different processes it is involved in as the leadership of the company, the steadiness in the company's take for compliance enablement, and the culture of compliance and quality that is created therein through the awards given to the most compliant employee and the seminars held to train and equip the employees with relevant knowledge on various things in their fields of work.

The leadership of the company also ensures the process of improvement that consists of the provision of a productive activity that focuses on the optimization of the production process already established as well as reducing or eliminating both activities and wastes that results into resource consumption without any value addition (Palus, 2007). Besides, the leadership also ensures there are various tests run for their jetliners to prove their efficiency before officially launching them for duty, which enables the company rectifies and curb any problems that may have been caused. 

In conclusion, the leadership, as well as the managing leaders of the Airbus Company, have implemented some strategies, has useful pillars, as well as an effective training program for their employees that assist the company in maintaining its position in the global market. Furthermore, the leadership has various guidelines that are set out to be followed by the employees for the achievement of the company’s success in the global market. Importantly, the managing leaders and leadership, through the available strategies followed, will always maintain the top performance of the organization; hence, achieve customer satisfaction, loyalty as well as new customers. Therefore, Enders and the large team in the Airbus organization depict the importance of proper leadership with helpful strategies through the results seen in the leadership and the strategy in place at the company.


Ahn, M., Adamson, J., & Dornbusch, D. (2004). From Leaders to Leadership: Managing Change. Journal Of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 10(4), 112-123. doi: 10.1177/107179190401000409

Bouilloud, J.P. and Deslandes, G., 2015. The Aesthetics of Leadership: Beau Geste as Critical Behaviour. Organization Studies, p.0170840615585341.

Palus, C. (2007). The art and science of leadership. Leadership In Action, 19(1), 12-13. doi: 10.1002/lia.4070190104

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