The Role of Editing and Revising in Effective Writing

Editing and Revising in Effective Writing

Editing is defined as the process of preparing and selecting written, audible, visual and other media used to communicate. Editing involves condensation, correction as well as organization with the aim of making the work correct, complete and consistent. On the other hand, revising involves reconsidering or altering the already done work in the light of further evidence (Simpson 46). The two concepts are essential in effective writing, both for academics and other purposes. These two concepts have been fundamental in my writing for both my academics and general communication.

The Importance of Editing and Revising

The probability of making some minor mistakes in the first draft of an assignment is always very high. Therefore, editing and revising is very important in the preparation of the final copy of the assignment. In completing my assignments, I always prepare the first draft, then edit and revise it to make it complete and consistent.

Also, the probability of skipping some important information in the first draft is also high. I have used the concepts of editing and revising in including the missing information in the finals paper. For example, I remember one time in my high school when the teacher had given us an assignment. I prepared the first draft. When I went back to re-look at the assignment, I realized that I had not answered the questions well. It is through the process of editing and revising that I realized that the assignment had errors.

Improving Communication through Editing and Revising

Apart from for academic purposes, I have used editing and revising to make my communication better. When sending emails, I have used these concepts to make the messages more comprehensive, consistent and complete. Therefore, editing and revising have made my writing more effective, both in school and in other areas of communication.

Work Cited

Simpson, JoEllen. "Responding to Our Students' Writing: What is Good for Us and             Them?" HOW Journal 10.1 (2017): 45-52.

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