The Potential Negative Impacts of Trump's Executive Orders on the American Economy

The Impact of Trump Administration Policies on the Acquisition of Human Resources

The article by Mayda and Peri (2017) is a critical outlook on the policies that the Trump administration implemented since his election into office. The authors claim that these policies essentially made it more difficult for the United States to acquire human resources from outside the country. Given the political interest in improving the country's reliance on locally produced goods and local labor, the authors argue that it is also necessary to consider the long-term implications of the executive policies on the country's economy.

References to Executive Orders and Their Potential Negative Impacts

The authors present their arguments primarily by referencing the executive orders passed during Donald Trump's tenure as America's president. In the article, they present their argument for the potential negative impacts of these executive orders by first noting the reduced access that it gives the American economy with reference to undocumented workers in the country. The article also makes a case for the private sector's need to understand the implications of these policy changes since they directly affect their profitability and access to labor.

Relevance to Research Question and Initial Search Parameters

The article fits into my search strategy since it covers the keywords of the overall research question, informing on the president's role in changing the immigration climate in the country. The article arose from a search within the initial parameters, which required informative literature on the issue and whose publication dates back to no later than 2017 to ensure its utility in providing more information for the selected research problem.

Analyzing the Implications of Border Security Policies

Overall, the article is a vital inclusion to the research due to the expansive way in which it analyzes the issue of border security and its implications. The key takeaway from the article is that the immigration policies in place have the potential to make America a less competitive player in the global economy. Therefore, the research helps in contextualizing the issue not only from the perspective of the direct costs of the increase in border security bu
t also from that of the other impacts that the implemented policies can have on the country.

Insights and Questions Raised

Compared to my awareness prior to this reading, the article left me with more insight into the state of affairs on the economic front because of increased border security. Additionally, it provided me with a better understanding of the reliance that the American economy has on undocumented labor, especially in vital sectors such as agriculture. However, the article also left me with questions regarding the validity of the border security policies that the Trump administration implemented with reference to the potential that they have to cripple the American economy.


Mayda, A. M., " Peri, G. (2017). The economic impact of US immigration policies in the Age of Trump. Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump, 69.

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