The Nursing Services Delivery Theory

The application of open system theory to huge enterprises gave rise to the nursing services delivery theory (NSDT).

According to the idea

, input and output variables interact to affect the global labor demands that healthcare systems place on nurses.

Different work environments and even other cultures

can make use of this theory.

The multi-level phenomena investigation

can also be supported by the theory (Meyer, 2010).

According to the theory, the nursing organization is a social system with multiple subsystems. The nursing unit is said to be an organization that contains an energetic input and output systems (Meyer, 2010). This system further relies on the supporting environment for continued sustainable inputs through activities and individual interactions in an effort to yield outputs. This theory suggests that a high level of teamwork in the work force promotes better output and this is what is needed in the healthcare sector. The theory will further enhance the reduction of work overload on nurses so that they can give better output.

Explain How You Will Incorporate the Theory into Your Project

This theory will be used to reconcile disparate sectors of the hospitals such as nursing work, staffing, and the working environment (Meyer, 2010). It will also be used as a means to guide research in the management of nursing services at large healthcare organizations. Incorporating this theory means that the nursing system does not work in isolation. The nursing system in hospitals is dynamically interdependent with all other hospital systems. Using this theory will mean that the external environment will recognize that nurse to patient ratio directly influences the output that the nurses deliver in oncology wards.


Meyer, R. M., & O’Brien‐Pallas, L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: an open system approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(12), 2828-2838.

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