The Importance of Friends

Friends are a crucial pillar to a student’s life. Parents only see the education, but the student knows the essence of friends. When a day comes, and there are challenges among the circles of friends one has, it becomes very difficult. My best friend and I used to share everything and every moment, such that when we were in class, all I could think of is how to keep in touch with him. We were very loyal to each other such that I never thought I would ever need another friend. Neither did I like anyone at all in my family. He was all I had, and all I thought I would ever need.

Gradually, he started befriending the rich kids in school, and this was the beginning of my problems. We grew more distant, and saw each other only in class. As a teenager, I felt my world crumble, as I did not have other friends, and my life became very boring. Soon after that, I fell sick and had to be hospitalized for a week. Every day I looked forward to seeing my friend but he never showed up to see me. My family on the other hand was always there for me. My sister would check on me in the morning and evening, and there is no day they failed to visit me.

The experience made me treasure family very much. Family is like a base, which you may not appreciate, until the day either it is gone, or you desperately need support. I will always treasure my family. Secondly, I learnt that it is not prudent to build your life upon a person, as people can easily disappoint. As much as human beings are social beings who need each other, we should learn to be independent and strong when we are on our own.

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