Although several studies previously have been in tandem with the subject under review in this paper, this section of the article will elucidate on the previous reports and give a contextual understanding of the topic. Moreover, it will critically look into the gaps of knowledge not covered in the reviews. Additionally, this review is not going to include for the foreign language policies. Furthermore, it will not discuss the benefits of teaching the second language to adults.
Benefits of Learning a Second Language at an Early Age. (2018 March 15) Asserting kids that are learning the second language are bound to get more benefits. The author of the article outlines significant gains with a summary on each of the profits. One of the benefits is that children can get a head start. When kids are in a position to learn the second language as early as the age of 5, they use the very same part of the brain which they required during the learning of their mother tongue. At this particular age, they are not afraid at all to make mistakes; this is contrary to when they are already grown kids who are trying to learn the second language.
Additionally, when kids can learn the language in their childhood, then they develop a profound understanding and concentration at the same time. According to the author, determining the second language at this age helps the kids develop a very apt sense of solving the problem, critical thinking abilities, and skills required in listening. Apart from this elements, learning the second language for children improves their memory, multitasking abilities, and concentration. The general impact on kids particularly about their learning environment is that it will improve their performance in academics for the various aspects of academic excellence. This particular study is vital in light of the proposed research. However, it does not show the implication of the cost incurred. The proposed research will fill the gap by elucidating how the benefits outweigh the value that is used in teaching children.
Multilingual Children Association (2017) asserts that many benefits accrue from bringing up the multilingual child. Primarily, the source focuses on teaching a child Multilanguage at the tender compared to when they have grown up. It is much easier to have to show them as children than at any other time. Many myths are associated with teaching children the second language. When the child is young, learning a second language increase e employment opportunity to the child. The assertion does not hold any water since children may grow up in a diverse environment that does not necessarily require them to have the knowl3dge of the second language.
Nevertheless, the article fails to address the rationale used in teaching children the language. Apart from the fact that it does not discuss the rationale for learning the second language in kids, it fails to show to the total implication of cost that parents use in teaching children. In the propped study, much of the focus will be on the rationale that makes it more beneficial to learn the second language. (2011, December 13) Asserts that over the recent years many of the governments across the globe gave discarded language program due to the increased cost of teaching the language. Additionally, it gives out statistics that since from 1997, language programs in schools have declined by huge margins. The article outlines the various pros and cons of teaching the second language to kids. It further reflects on the future positive impacts of learning the second language. The first benefit to the kids is that second language allows them to expand their scope of thoughts by exposing them to a full circle of social networks. The children’s cognitive skills are equally enhanced in the process of learning. For instance, learning in children would require some level of critical thinking that is vital in making grasp the new knowledge. The more they understand the second language, the more become more critical thinkers. The expansion of their social circle is another advantage. Their cognitive skills are enhanced, and their attention span increases, studies have shown. SAT scores increase, about 140 points per section more than students that only know one language. Bilingual applicants are known to be at the top of the pile for interviews, even if the job does not require an additional language. A poll in 2004 asked dating applicants if they knew another language, the result was that knowing another language makes you look smarter and worldly. Some of the cons are the cost of tutoring. Spending your money in graduate school increases a paycheck 8 to 12 percent more than knowing another language. Knowing German, Mandarin or Arabic only yields 4 percent more on average. The longer you wait to learn the harder it becomes. Adding more to a kid’s schedule makes it difficult for them to focus on other essential things which can bring down his overall performance. This study offers pros and con that related to the benefits of teaching children the second language. With regards to the pros and cons, this study fails to address the matter of economic implication hence not elucidating the actual benefit of teaching children the second language against the cost incurred in the process. As a result, the proposed study tends to establish the real benefits of teaching a child second language against the cost incurred.
In conclusion, the past studies have illustrated the multiple benefits that come along with teaching children the second language. Nevertheless, the reviews have not explicitly demonstrated the underpinning implications to illustrate how the benefits that come along teaching the second language are more than the cost. Additionally, they have not addressed the need to have schools introduce multilingual programs in their curriculums which the proposed study intend to shed more light on the same.
Benefits accruing from learning a second language
Education programs require students to know more than one language. Besides, the environment people live in is characterized by individuals who speak different languages. Thus, it has become essential for students to learn multiple languages. While some individuals learn multiple languages at an early age, others make this decision later in life. The advantages of learning a second language at a tender age include having a deeper connection with both languages, and the child will not be fearful when it comes to making mistakes (14 Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education, 2017).
On the other hand, there is the downside of learning a second language as it may lead to confusion among other things. The benefits of learning a second language outweigh the disadvantages making it necessary for students to enroll in multilingual programs. The need for determining a second language varies from one individual to another. Children are the most affected as they are taught different languages as they grow. The similarity in languages makes it easier for one to grasp terms quicker. For example, French and Spanish have vocabularies that are similar making it easier for one to learn them interchangeably (Benefits of Learning a Second Language at an Early Age, n.d.). The first benefit of learning a second language is that one can communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, there will be more employment opportunities for job seekers who are multilingual. Secondly, socializing with people becomes relatively more comfortable for multilingual individuals. Language makes people view others from a different social spectrum which multilingualism bridges. Hence, learning a second language will enable a person to meet and interact with new people.
Teaching children a second language at a young age makes them more proficient in their studies. For example, the education curriculum in England was changed to accommodate a second language as it prepares students to learn faster (Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies, n.d.). In particular, the students aged between 7 to 11 years were to enroll in this program as they were better placed to benefit from multilingualism. Lastly, globalization is attributable to people knowing more than one language. The individuals learning a second language become enthusiastic with the native country. Therefore, growing bilingual or multilingual cultivates the culture of discovering new countries and subsequently leading to globalization. However, there are disadvantages associated with learning a second language.
One of the inconsistencies linked to learning a second language is that students forget the terms they grasped if they do not use the word regularly (, 2011). Whereas it is possible to be good at speaking a language in class, the absence of an environment to practice makes being a bilingual less critical. Further, the students may find it difficult to learn the second language if it includes content they have never seen or interacted with in life. The reason for not offering multi-lingual programs in schools in various parts of the world is because of the high costs that come along with implementing them. In places where the plans have been tried, the number of assistants and teachers has been inadequate. Therefore, the students fail to get the attention they need and eventually lack the fluency of the second language. For this matter, learning a second language can have a negative impact on students.
Thesis Statement:
Learning a second language has several benefits as compared to the costs which show that schools should introduce multilingual programs in their curriculum.
14 Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education. (2017, November 22). Retrieved from
Benefits of Learning a Second Language at an Early Age. (2018 March 15). Retrieved from (2011, December 13). Learning a Second Language: Weighing Pros and Cons. Retrieved from
Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS). Retrieved from schools-is-younger-better
Multilingual Children's Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from