The Ideal Person

Crossley, Kara L. et al. "What Is an Attractive Body? Using an Interactive 3D Program to Create the Ideal Body for You and Your Partner". Plos ONE, vol 7, no. 11, 2012, p. e50601. Public Library of Science (Plos), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050601.

The paper focuses on the ideal person created based on the preferences of individuals using an interactive 3D program. People interact with the program to illustrate the desire of ideal beings based on body shape and size among both genders. The article is reliable as its authors are well experienced experts in the field of neuroscience and psychology. It is a peer reviewed article found within the Open Access database. The content of the article will help in understanding the psychology behind ideal perception of the human body. It will contribute towards knowing the ideal shape and size of the human body based on interactive 3D program.

McClelland, Susan. "Distorted Images." MacLean’s, vol. 113, no. 33, Aug 14, 2000, pp. 41. ProQuest,

McClelland argues on the history of women altering their body for the benefit of the society. She believes that their perception of the needs of the society push women towards changing their body image. There is a potential bias in the analysis based on her standing on the position of women in the society for the past several decades since she is female. The article will help in looking at the factors leading to people changing their body image. Culture and societal expectations are mentioned by McClelland in the article.

Stampler, Laura. "Http://Time.Com". Time, 2015, Accessed 14 June 2018.

The article attempts to understand the ideal body of a model. It opposes the move of the government of France to pass on a legislation regarding body weight. Penalizing people and inhibiting underweights from being models through penalties affects body image. The article was reviewed and printed on Time magazine website hence a reliable source of information. I would use the source to point out on the effects of extreme influences based on poor body image. The societal standard of body image can be seen through the article.

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