The HBR Simulation

The HBR Simulation

The HBR Simulation is a computer simulation that allows users to execute projects in three separate scenarios. The consumer assumes the position of a senior project manager during project execution. His/her job is to organize and guide a product design team from project inception to project completion. During the simulation, the user/project manager must make various choices that will carry him/her through the project.

The Simulation Choices and Project Success

The simulation choices have an effect on the overall success of the project, which is expressed in the overall ranking. The success of the project will also depend on how the project manager will manage the different constraints encountered during the simulation exercise. Some of the simulation goals set are successful completion of the project and running the simulation within the chosen timeline. Decision making on the parameters to be used in the project include on the following areas: scope, resources (cost), schedule, and team process. The project success will depend on these metrics.

Running the Simulation

I ran the simulation, executing a project from the start to the end based on decisions made on the project metrics. During the project, I encountered different constraints which had a direct influence on my overall score on the project.

Decisions Made and Overall Score

There are different decisions that I made at the beginning of the project, in the simulation, that led to my overall score of 733/1050. This score is slightly above average, which means my decisions were not extreme. The first decision made is on the project scope. At this stage, I chose the type of printer that I wanted my team to work on. The printer of my choice was high-speed level 2 printer. High-speed level 2 printer is a machine with medium features which can be easily handled in a few days. The choice on the printer helped me decided on the schedule, budget, process and the overall project timeline. The scope was also a good pointer on the size of the team I needed to complete the project in the chosen time schedule.

Decision on the Schedule

The second decision I made was on the schedule. The schedule allowed me to choose on the target completion week. The target completion week I chose was week 11. I arrived on the decision based on the scope of the project. The project needed average tasks to be completed because the printer to be worked on by the project team is a High-speed level 2 printer. This printer does not have much complicated parts to be worked on, neither does it have a less complex structure. I therefore had to adjust the schedule to week 11 so as the project can successfully be completed.

Decisions on Resources

For successful completion of the project, I had to choose suitable resources who will make the team to accomplish the project. The decision made on the number and skill of the people to be included in the project was based on scope and schedule. The scope, schedule and resources are closely linked since the greater the magnitude of the scope, the more work is required to be done to complete the project. More tasks mean wide schedule and a competent and large team. The reverse of the situation is true. In consideration of the tasks to be completed for the success of my project, I chose a team size of four members. The overall skill level of my team was medium-high, and the tasks it outsourced are some primary tasks. The efficiency with which the team completed the tasks depended on a number of situations such as their workload, morale and stress levels. This called for another decision of process.

Decision on Team Process

As the project manager, in the simulation, the process allowed me to call meetings and allow overtime. I called meetings during the project execution and encouraged overtime. I encouraged overtime to help the team meet the schedule. I also made a decision to review the project by building prototypes along the way. I then decided on the number of weeks to advance the simulation and submitted all my decisions. All the decisions made during the project affected the weekly cost total presented on the sidebar of the simulator.

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