The Flower of an Evil

Baudelaire's "Flower of Evil"

Baudelaire is the creator of the poem "flower of the evil." The first of many instances of Baudelaire's fantastical personification is the sonnet "flower of the evil." This essay is a reader reaction to the poem Flower of an Evil. Ennui is a sluggish, grotesque figure, and evil. Ennui is a state of dream-only inaction. He overindulges and gets drunk on himself. By the time Baudelaire gets to the end, he is admitting that the Ennui evocation at the beginning of the volume hints at its important position as a whole in the volume. "The fruit's dulling lassitude assumes the size of immortality," The last line of the poem, the flower of the evil, is exciting in that the reader is convicted as well.

The Role of the Poet

In a lofty, nearly ironic and sneering tone, Baudelaire claims to speak for the reader, through acknowledgment of the universality of the vice and ennui before speaking into his specific struggles in the rest of the volume. That is the main component of the role of the poet as the manner in which Baudelaire has conceived since he is a unique creature with a singular voice and insight whose primary job is to light up elements of the more profound truth to individuals, though he has universal emotions and experiences in which the readers can relate to as well as learn from.

Symbolism of Colors

Baudelaire makes use of colors often to emphasize his feelings or emotions in this poem. The heart of Baudelaire is red, the light in the eyes of the women is green, and summer in its whiteness has given a chance to mellow gold of autumn. Those colors are not just descriptive, but they have hidden meaning. The red of the heart is lessened since it is squeezed like a piece of meat. The green eyes become more evil with the resentment that Baudelaire gets emotional looking into them (Baudelaire 144). And that hot and white summer, which Baudelaire describes as a time of vitality and energy, has gone away and only the golden and sweet autumn and its tomb are mainly waiting for him.

Work cited

Baudelaire, Charles. Flowers of Evil and Other Works: A Dual-Language Book. Courier Corporation, 2013.

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