The existence of street gangs in the world

The Prevalence of Street Groups

The prevalence of street groups, which are primarily made up of young people, is alarmingly increasing as they become more sophisticated and intricate in their operations. My view is that youths join gangs because they lack financial freedom because they are associated with quick money and readily attainable material possessions. Second, youths long for a feeling of community, which gangs provide in spades.

Adults' Coercion and Abuse

According to Raymundo Sanchez's 2000 book "Read my Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King," adults' coercion and abuse is the main reason why young people join street gangs. Lack of appreciation, a socially impaired home, physical abuse and mental distress force the youths to seek validation among people who seems strong and secure. This validation is mostly acquired from the street gangs who seem to possess powers and an envied lifestyle. Loyalty and praise by their peers also draw people to join the gangs.

Families, Peers, and Community

In a video by the National Gangs Centre (n.d.), families, peers, and community are expressed as the main reasons why youths join gangs. It cites that most of the youths seek love, protection and security, which they are offered by their peers in the gangs. Youngsters, therefore, seek to enjoy the benefits acquired by joining the gangs.

The Discrepancy Between Reasons

I am not surprised by the discrepancy between my reasons and those by Sanchez and National Gang Center since one reason may lead to the next. According to Sanchez (2000), the youths lack appreciation from the adults resulting in seeking financial freedom. Abuse from adults alienates them, and therefore they tend to seek a sense of belonging with the gangs.


National Gang Center. (n.d.). Why youth join gangs. Retrieved from

Sanchez, R. (2000). Read my bloody life: The making of a Latin king. Chicago: Chicago Review Press.

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