The Evolution of Communication Technology

Communication in the Digital Age

Over the decades, communication has been one of the most evolved aspect with reference to human life. Today, with the press of a button, any form of message is sent regardless of the physical location or distance form the sender of the recipient. This has been the case with today’s technological innovation and use of social media. Platforms such as websites, applications and social networks such as the case of social media, have made this possible. The use of social media have greatly impacted the way people interact, communicate and relate with each other. For example, according to Pew Research (), Facebook has been one of the popular social platforms holding an estimated 86 million users by 2016. The use of social media has enabled people to share to connect with their friends and family from different locations. However, this development has led to people becoming antisocial as well as spending long time of their days on the social platforms which in turn is becoming a distraction (Shim). The internet and the social media could be destroying the basic fabric of human society, or family and community relationships (Shim). Society can get so caught up connecting in the virtual world; we don’t even realize our connection to the real world, is getting weaker and weaker (Salgur). With the use of social media as a communication tool becoming an inevitable development in human life, the development has greatly altered the way people use texting, smartphones as well as social networks (Shim). While social media remains to be an aiding tool for variety of discoveries through technology, the platform is slowly eradicating humanity social interactions as online communication becomes one’s voice.

Social Media and its Impact

The development of social network platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become the epitome of social media. These platform sites have formed a connective media that engages interaction, communication, sharing ideas, personal issues, meeting strangers, and finding old friends in a virtual world. There are strengths in using these platforms such as it enables people to stay connected no matter their location. In these applications, there are a variety of ways to communicate like through texting, messaging, and face to face interaction through videos called “live” or “face time.” Each platform has its distinct mechanisms for boosting popularity such as taking a picture and posting it to see how many likes or dislikes it can get (Van Dijck " Poell ) Social networking sites can be positive when it comes to needing to connect to personal lives, and keeping up with distant family members. Platform metrics are increasingly accepted as legitimate standards to measure and rank different people and their ideas. These rankings are amplified by the outside world commenting on their thoughts or reinforced to push the like or following button on a shared idea or topic (Van Dijck " Poell). These platforms are built to connect, communicate and interact through a digital mode. Where these platforms are the new social change for society, sometimes we might forget how to interact and communicate face to face in person. As an outcome of these changes in communication ways, today’s young generation is the most influenced of this digital social generation. This situation has formed a gap between parents and children in the traditional social life (Salgur) Interacting and communicating through these social sites can be positive and negative it all depends on the user, the user can set limits; just make a certain time of the day to engage to these social platforms. A survey of teenagers showed that 17.8% spent less than one hour with their family members who had an account with a social network site (Salgur). In other words, young teenagers who spend too much time on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn it can interfere with other responsibilities or activities. These social sites can be very addicting and persuasive especially, of one who is feeling lonely and neglected these sites can be very entertaining to them.

The Rise of Texting

The fastest way to get a message or some information to someone of this digital era is texting. People were only communicating through the mail, a land line telephone, and in person several decades ago (Salgur). Today, many people prefer to discuss information by email, texting, rather than meeting in person face to face. Individuals today will send a text message to someone while being in the same room instead of face to face conversation. Text messaging plays a big role in non-verbal communication. This new way of communication is sent by cellular phones that gives an individual the ability to instant message, text message, email, talk through headphones and so much more. Texting is the most used way of communication today. Every minute, nearly 50,000 messages are sent worldwide (Bostina-Bratu " Palea). With texting comes a new writing skill, especially in the younger generation. There are all kinds of abbreviations; slang words, used in today’s texting. This can cause deterioration of one’s language proficiency. Teachers complain that frequent use of the slang and abbreviation text can distort a student’s ability to use the proper grammar of an academic level (Bostina-Bratu " Palea) The disadvantages of using SMS messaging as abbreviations such as LOL, emoji’s and so many slang texts, may affect one’s ability to use proper language when spoken too. Texting is very popular, it’s an easy way out just to tap some buttons, and you can send a message to anyone in the world. It has revolutionized communication, hence leading to some signs and short forms as official communication. According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of teenager’s text regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts per day. When people are in person, the requirement of communicating immediately can be discouraging for people who communicate through texting daily.

The Impact of Smartphones

Thirdly, the use smartphones has become a common thing with the invention and use of social media by people. Viewed by many as the future of wireless communication, smartphones has been the trend with the millenials. However, it is evident that, with the continued production and use of smartphones among people, there is always increase in aspect of being connected with other people and the rest of the world. In terms of connecting people, smartphones have provided all in one device as gone are the days people had to carry with them devices such as camera, mp3player, e-book reader GPS device etc. with one device, people are getting what they need at any time any location, this has in turn made communication cheap and easier. Sending and receiving message in any form has become simple, hence interaction between people has increased. With regular phones sporting calls and texts, the smartphones are offering more than that as they come with a host of options such as social media, email, chats, and video communications etc. These additional options has made communication with friends and family around the globe more convenient, somewhat free and instantaneous. The world of smartphones has led to improved communication possibilities, ability for people to store information in theory devices, helps people to be organized, always stay connected and available making communication successful anytime. Finally, with the rise of apps the smartphone has become the trending thing as it has made communication and social media into one device. This is whereby people can either call, text, or choose to respond via social media platforms to their friends and family connections.


In conclusion, social media has become an inevitable development with reference to human life. Not only has it changed the way people relate, but also how they communicate and interact. Through social networks, texting and the invention of smartphone, people have become and more dependent on technology to stay in touch with their family and friends. Today, it has become an instant aspect for people to send and receive messages, however, this has come at a cost of face to face interaction or the traditional socializing among people. Despite the use of social media becoming an addictive tool among people, it has served an important role of reducing time and distance between people who want to keep in touch.

Works Cited

Bostina-Bratu, S., " Palea, L. (2015). NEW WRITING PRACTICES - TEXT MESSAGING. Land Forces Academy Review, 20(1), 42-46. Retrieved from

Salgur, S. A. (2016). HOW DOES THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING AFFECT FAMILY COMMUNICATION OF TEENAGERS? Euromentor Journal, 7(1), 21-32. Retrieved from

Shim, Y. S. (2007). The impact of the internet on teenagers' face-to-face communication. Global Media Journal, 6(10), 1. Retrieved from

Van Dijck, J., " Poell, T. (2013). Understanding social media logic. Media and Communication, 1(1), 2-14. Retrieved from

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