The Characterization of Willy, Albert and Joe in the Movie Going in Style

I chose the movie Going in Style a 2017 American heist comedy film. Going in style is a movie based on three elderly men Morgan Freeman (Willie), Michael Caine (Joe), and Alan Arkin (Albert), who decide to go their way to rob a bank to compensate for their just pensions. This makes the movie more of a comedy than a crime. The three elderly characters’ work with Wechsler steel company in New York City until the company is no more and so is their pensions. Joe (Michael Caine) who has witnessed a bank robbery decides to use this skills, robbing the same bank together with Willie (Morgan Freeman) and Albert (Alan Arkin).

Going in style is more of a comedy movie. This is because when Joe, Willie, and Albert decide to rob the bank, to them it is not a crime rather than a compensation to their pensions, so it is rightful. Again, they use blank loaded guns and wear rat pack masks to display it is their right, to rob the bank which is also funny. Also based on chemistry Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin are after all funny characters.

The characters are portrayed as loving and caring. For example, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine they both love and care for their grandchildren. Joe also drops his granddaughter to school and will also pick her after school. They also want to see their grandchildren daily. Again, Morgan Freeman (Willie) while robbing the bank, gets carried away, when he spots an Asian girl Lucy. During that moment, Willie manages to tell Lucy that he has a granddaughter, which is an act of caring.

Morgan Freeman is portrayed as courageous when he takes his time to talk to the Asian girl while they are supposed to rob in and out of the bank. The characters are seen as diligent. Although these elderly men don't have the skill in robbing, they depend on Joe who witnessed a bank robbery and work until their pensions are, what they think is rightfully compensated.

The other characters are portrayed as wise. Willie talking to the Asian girl helps the three men from identified as robbers by the police. Joe thinks by witnessing a bank robbery crime he induces willie and Albert in robbing the same bank.  The three men use blanks loaded guns to rob the bank to avoid hurting innocent civilians. In terms of being cranky, these old men are irritated the fact that when the company is bought, their pensions also becomes a problem thus they decide to rob the bank to compensate for their pensions. In terms of being Klutzy, Morgan Freeman is Klutzy when he is distracted by the small Asian girl (Lucy). Joe is seen as Dumb as by witnessing the bank robbery he believes he will also make him influence Willie and Albert to rob the same bank.

Older people in this scenario seem to Awkward, Wise, Caring, dumb and Funny. This is portrayed by the characters in different cases in the movie Going in Style.

Imagining I am 65, I believe the character’s portrayal is both funny and ridiculous. The fact that Wechsler steel company was sold out, Willie, Albert, and Joe still thinks that they can own their pensions rightfully by robbing the bank.

Although the characters of elderly adults in the movie are displayed as wise and funny, I still feel that the three (Willie, Albert, and Joe) committed a crime which they should not get away with. It is frustrating seeing the Asian girl also being guarded against identifying Willie and his colleagues as robbers since she already encountered with the old man Willie.



Thompson, S. J. (2017). Going in style: Old dogs turned rookie robbers. News Weekly, (2996), 18.

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