The black lives matter movement research paper

The black lives matter movement was established to call for an end to the seeming oppression that black people in the United States experience (New York Times, Oct 22, 2017). When we look closely at American jails, we notice that black people are seven times more likely to be arrested than white people, giving the United States, often known as the "country of the slave," a sense of meaninglessness. The tyranny that black people in the US experience is vividly depicted in the film 13th, which calls for a movement to fight for their rights. The black lives movement was started to create a racial democratic nation. The movement was formed in response to the police shootings that had constantly been rising from 2014-2016 hence the black society formed in order to be heard as one voice is weak hence unity is a way to prevail (

The black movement focusses on domestic policies after realizing that white supremacy reads no limits. The movement stands in solidarity with the black family against the consequences of black exploitation, anti-Black racism and global capitalism (

The Black movement demands an end to the wars perpetrated towards the Black people by asking the government to review and renovate the laws that target and harm the blacks and to demand a defunding of the institutions and systems that criminalize and cage them. The requests are believed by the blacks to lead to the kind of country they will like to live in where they won’t feel targeted in any way hence they will enjoy the freedom they are entitled to and enjoy the complete freedom they believe they are yet to achieve (

The black movement believes that their visions and dreams need to be articulated into policies which build them into giving them considerations in the society. They believe that as dreamers and doers, coming together through the movement may help in the push for the policies they need to achieve drafted community visions (

The black movement also advocates for economic and racial justice which is simply the redistribution of wealth that will result in a fair society which definitely is an essential aspect of every country so as to bring all its citizens to live in peace, love, unity and harmony ( Favouring one society over another has adverse effects such as leading to inter-societal fights which lead to deaths and disruption of normal activities which negatively affects a country’s economy.

The black movement has a distinctive feature in that instead of ruling from up the hierarchy. It rules from the ground where the normal people highlight their problems and forward possible solutions that they feel will address the challenge. Looking at the mode of leadership, the black lives movement is logic as by embracing the type of governance; the decisions arrived at are more likely to solve the faced problems as they are enacted by the same people who are facing a challenge (New York Times, Oct 17, 2017).


I conclude that the black lives movement has logic behind it and is only interested in representing the needs of its people and this is evident where all the views and grievances presented by the movement is focused on the problems encountered by the blacks and does not have any notions of violence whatsoever. Their demonstrations against the police only get rogued when the police counter them in bad responsive manner. The black movement should be given a higher platform to represent its people in an aim to achieve a fair anti-racial nation.


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