Tattoos and Piercing in the Workplace

The question of whether tattoos and piercings are compatible with the workplace has stirred a lot of controversies in the legislation entities as well as the public of late. General public opinion has not been sought in addressing legal issues concerning ‘body art’ since its felt their contribution fails to address the importance of legal requirements. UK legislation has not fully addressed the issue of restricting employer’s dress code and appearances like having tattoos with strictness associated with discrimination based on dress codes and appearance. “It is important to note that, even if indirect discrimination is proven, this does not necessarily mean that the law will intervene” (Jones and Hobbs 1).While the employees may request to have tattoos or piercings due to religious affiliations, it is not quite easy for the law or employers make a clear discretion whether they are religious or not.  

            Although may go ahead to enforce restrictions with a lot of rigidity because of their nursing working environment, this is seen as a way of barring some individuals from working with them. However how challenging it may be dealing with the issue of tattoos and piercings the employers can be forced to dismiss an employee who fails to honor a request requiring them to cover the tattoos. But then, the employer is required to have well written and accessible policies to the employees and any changes to them should be well communicated to the employees.

            Acas guidance requires employers to consider the reasons behind employees having tattoos and piercings and allow them to have them if the reasons are proportionate. “Acas has recently provided updated guidance on dress code policies, which includes consideration of tattooing and piercing” (Jones and Hobbs 2). This article may be useful during the process of formulating laws and regulations that direct dress code and the issue of tattoos and piercings.


Work Cited

Nick Jones and Matthew Hobbs : Tattoos and piercings – are they compatible with the workplace? NRC | February 2015, vol. 17, no 2

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