Target's New Technology to Improve In-Store Shopping

Online shopping companies can easily loose customers if they fail to find the exact products that one may be looking for. Target Corporation has developed a new technology to improve in-store shopping for guests. The new technology makes it faster, easier and convenient to shop at Target stores. In cases where customers fail to find the exact items that they want in aspects of size or color; the newly introduced technology makes use of Store Team Members who help guests to buy the items online. Instead of letting customers to leave the stores empty-handed, a team member can instantly place an order online and have the purchase’s shipment processed to customers’ homes. This advancement has been achieved by the development of a new app known as “myCheckout” which the company’s tech team built for handheld devices assigned to team members.

Team members use the app to search the company website for desired products, after which a member takes the payment from the guest on the spot through a credit card reader that is connected to the handheld devices. The customers can then walk away satisfied and happy that the items are on the way to their doorsteps without incurring a shipping fee. On the other hand, the company benefits by avoid losing customers and sales revenue. Customer satisfaction is as good as positive public relations for the business. The app combines Target’s best technology, supply chain and online assortment to assist guests get what they want without them missing anything and it is working pretty well. The company has done tens of thousands of transactions since the they began to test the service in selected stores in 2017.

Work Cited

"Here’S How Target Is Investing In Store Technology To Make Shopping Even Better." Target Corporate. N.p., 2018. Web. 13 July 2018.

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