Stress is the feeling that an individual gets when managing extra to what they are accustomed. Pressure is considered as an impact that overburdens an individual on the typical handling resources (Budhraja, 2008). The human body usually reciprocates physiologically to a stimulus which can be internal or external when faced with stress. Stress can be beneficial in some way especially when a fast response is required, but too much of it could be harmful. The process engages annoyance, fear, uneasiness, and self-doubt. Individual and social problems contribute to stress. I will try to prove the claim by outlining research related to personal, social, and occupational stress.
Stress is a feeling that cannot be avoided. Arnold and Feldman stated stress as the responses that people give during their encounter with unknown and risky elements in their working surroundings (Budhraja, 2008). The statement means that majority of the workplaces frequently bring about current situations hence contributing to stress. Furthermore, the tight conditions in the working areas are tackled individually suggesting that they can lead to changes in behavior, feelings, consciousness, and in psychology. Occupationally related problems have impacts on the people since they find difficulties in managing and curbing the situations imposed on them during their duties. The final result of the stressful occurrences is the adoption of the dysfunctional behaviors like smoking and drug abuse. Another possible effect of the occupational stress is the physical problems for instance nervousness, tiredness, health issues, anxiety, and depression.
Each stressful happening is a kind of test that requires understanding to tackle it. Stress can occur in any place be it working environments or homesteads. Studies that were previously done indicate that majority of the employees experience problems in workplaces because of the inability of their leaders to handle stress (Stickle " Scott, 2016). The superiors should, therefore, learn to tackle the pressure facing them as individuals and amongst the operators to bring about a positive change in the working areas. Professional sources of stress are as follows; too many constraints from the working conditions, unfavourable workspaces, insufficient resources, unavailability of support, and lack of progressive changes. All the sources at the end of the day become a threat to the employees hence become stressed. Other causes of stress could be from the mental, emotional, and physical state of an individual. The physical sources in the workplaces are working extra times, noises, tedious jobs, high temperatures, working at night, and wrong postures. The emotional and psychological causes are depression over inequity, structural modification, too much work over limited time, evil thoughts, and happiness on job promotions, contextual disturbances, and fear of penalties.
There are various stressors amongst the employees which bring about stress. They include; associations with customers, too many demands, disagreements in the workplaces, fear of losing a job, and limited time (Budhraja, 2008). Other stressors have risen from the usage of the computers by a human who probably causes stress. Examples include examining the workings of the electronics, failures of the machines, and retardation of the sciences. Research done has validated that stressors could either be from internal or external sources. The internal stressors are those that originate from an individual and can be handled at a personal level while external references are from the environment, and an individual cannot tackle them. Regarding the findings, individual life of a person inclusive of the financial matters, bloodline, wellbeing, and confidants are potential causes of stress.
On the other hand, stressors can be viewed from separate perspectives. One of the angles is the relationship of one’s body with habitation or the foods consumed (Anitha " Sritharan, 2013). The biological stressors are as follows; alterations in the working of the body due to puberty stages, old age, and pregnancy, poor health, conditions from hormonal variances in the human body, and improper diet. Another factor that could stress is from spirituality and are as follows; breach of the religious rules, lack of truth, holding grudges, and absence of spiritual growth. Social factors are another type of stressor for example misunderstandings in relationships, pressure from employment, alterations of the social structures, and absence of support from others. An individual’s judgment of the surrounding world is one of the potential causes of stress, for instance, lack of skills to deal with a specific circumstance, high anticipations and standards, and lack of self-understanding. Psychodynamic stressors are; absence of self-recognition, the face of conditions that stimulate the stressful emotions encountered in infancy, and suppressed internal disagreement.
Stress has impacts on entire features of life indicated in behavior changes, mental, emotional, and physical states (Anitha " Sritharan, 2013). The psychological conditions include; isolation, depression, more querulous, detachment and development of short tempers. The behavioral indications of stress are an increase in drug usage, susceptibility to accidents, insomnia, being uneasy, and lack of appetite. The cognitive signs could be too much negativity, inability to make proper decisions, experiencing nightmares, persistent worrying, and issues with memory, anxious thoughts, and lack of concentration. Some symptoms appear physically including; breathlessness, frequent headaches, irritations of the skin, and nausea.
The Stress can lead to illnesses. Research done conducted by Holmes and Rahe found that the increased stressful events cause high chances of an individual becoming ill (Stickle " Scott, 2016). To add to the research, another psychologist stated that a hardy person has little likelihood of acquiring stress. The hardiness was defined regarding dedication to work and having the skills of how to deal with a disturbing event. Not all the health issues come from infections by microorganisms; others may be from the stress faced. Experience with a stressful moment can damage the immune system of the body hence predisposing one to organisms in the surrounding. When the immune system loses the ability to work well, the body is subjected to various illnesses like seasonal viruses and colds.
Stress can also lead to depression. In some cases, a person experiencing difficulties in thoughts or feeling sad and isolated could be likely fighting depression (Neria " Koenen, 2003). The illness may seem independent of stress. However, close examination by the doctors and counsellors frequently find an association of pressure with the disease. Stress could also cause problems with circulation through stiffening of the blood vessels as a response. The narrowing causes decrease in the flow of blood in the body, therefore, causing problems such as clotting of blood, strokes, and deficient circulation. Besides, stress can exhaust the body of sufficient energy that is required to maintain the immune system. When the body cannot function correctly, it is likely to be attacked by various infections which take longer to heal.
Continuous exposure to stress can intensify physical disorders and diseases such as peptic ulcers, diabetes, heart problems and rheumatoid arthritis. Research done showed a relationship between deteriorated physical health and post-traumatic stress disorder (Neria " Koenen, 2003). This is because an individual tends to worry too much hence altering the normal conditions such as pulses and blood pressure. The changed features can lead to damage in the body like blood flow.
Heart attacks are linked to prolonged stress encountered by an individual. Past studies show that the body releases the hormone by the name cortisol when faced with pressure (Stickle " Scott, 2016). The produced hormone alters the appearance of the White blood cells whose role is to prevent the body from attack by diseases. The blood cells are also aligned on the barriers of the blood vessels hence leading to the formation of plaque. Plaque is a standard feature of a heart attack. Besides, the pains experienced on the back and shoulders are among the effects of spending too much time on computer monitors. Once an affected individual is faced with stress, the timespan and extremity of the conditions of the shoulders and back are increased. The long-term effect could be the development of scoliosis and spinal problems due to worsened conditions.
Identifying the cause of stress and finding solutions to it helps one to avoid the adverse effects of the traumatizing events. Some strategies include; expressing one’s feelings about an occurrence, getting enough time to relax, and seeking help from professionals (Anitha " Sritharan, 2013). Managed stress can increase the productivity of an individual as well as creativity and therefore the application of positive contemplation and attitude are very beneficial. It is also advisable for one to turn the annoyance and energy that result from a stressful event into something constructive to avoid harmful effects.
There are many methods to deal with stressful happenings. One way is by seeking support (Meurs, Perrewe " Rossi, 2012). This is through speaking out about one’s feelings, difficulties, and life happenings. Although it may seem hard, one should try to talk about the occurrences because keeping grudges could cause more harm. Moreover, the held things can neither relieve one of the stresses. An individual should, therefore, welcome the support from both family and friends as a way of handling pressure. Another method is by making an appointment with a psychologist who instructs on healthy practices and also approaches to stress management. Moreover, the providence of proper care is a way of avoiding and dealing with stress. It includes creating a personal time which could be spent doing simple practices such as listening to music and reading books. Other strategies include clear apprehension of the sources of stress on an individual basis. The causes could be from workplaces, family, or even relationships and recognizing them is useful since one can easily find solutions to them. Identifying healthy methods of dealing with stress can bring about success, and the practices include exercising and writing.
To conclude, personal and social problems all contribute to stress. Different situations lead to stress, and it could be from occupations, family and even social interactions which instill fear in an individual hence causing depression and anxiety. Stressors can originate either internally or externally which are indicated differently. Some of the symptoms are constant worries, lack of concentration, and insomnia. Failure to handle the faced stress can result in the development of illnesses while worsening some of the already acquired diseases. To avoid long-term and harmful effects, one should have the skills and strategies of managing stress. The approaches include expression of emotions, seeking support, and practicing healthy behaviors.
Anitha, A., " Sritharan, R. (2013). A study on faculties perception of stress and coping strategies. clear International Journal of Research in Commerce " Management, 4(8).
Budhraja, J. (2008). Causes of stress among insurance employees: An empirical study. ICFAI Journal of Management Research, 7(10), 7-17.
Meurs, J. A., Perrewe, P. L., " Rossi, A. M. (2012). Coping and prevention. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.
Neria, Y., " Koenen, K. C. (2003). Do combat stress reaction and posttraumatic stress disorder relate to physical health and adverse health practices? An 18-Year Follow-up of Israeli War Veterans. Anxiety Stress and Coping, (2). 227.
Stickle, F. E., " Scott, K. (2016). Leadership and occupational stress. Education, 137(1), 27-38.