Strategies Used By Emirates Airline To Retain Its Market Share

Emirates Airlines: A Successful Commercial Air Carrier

Emirates Airlines is a commercial air carrier which has been successful in the industry. The corporation has remained operational despite the stiff competition from other international airline carriers. The headquarters of the Emirates Airline is in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Emirates uses aircrafts such as Airbus and Boeing, which have the capacity to carry many passengers. Their aircrafts are also designed to carry heavy loads and over long distances. There are various strategies that have enabled Emirates Airline to retain its market share even during difficult financial times. The Airline has adopted a very effective business model that ensures it attains substantial but gradual growth. Besides, the commercial airline carrier has retained its legacy of offering efficient flights. Currently, Emirates Airlines operate in more than 81 countries across the world (O'Connell, 2011). The corporation possesses both passenger and cargo aircrafts with the aim of meeting customer needs. It can be asserted that Emirates commercial airline has employed competitive advantage to become one of the successful corporation in the industry.

Proper Quality Control Ensures Success

Proper quality control is one of the strategies that Emirates Airline uses to ensure corporation's success. The services offered at the offices are excellent. Every customer is valuable to the Airline and therefore he/she is handled with respect and dignity. The Airline uses customer's feedback to evaluate their service provision and improve on the areas raise complains and that have difficulties. Besides, the services offered during the flight and after alighting are of very high standards (Grimme, 2011). Good quality control in all operations has made customers have faith and trust in the Emirates Airlines, hence it has contributed to retaining of the customers. The pilots, technicians, flight attendants, and other crew members are taken through intensive aviation training. The crew members are evaluated regularly to ensure that they offer services as per required standards. Proper training and retraining of its employees is a strategy that the Emirates Airline uses to remain ahead of their competitors. When service if offered by knowledgeable employees, customers are likely to get satisfied and remain loyal to the commercial airline. Well-trained employees reduce the number of mistakes committed hence flights have fewer complications.

Development of Diverse Software

Another strategy used by Emirates Airline is the development of software that can perform diverse tasks. The Emirates Corporation has employed a team of Information Technology (IT) experts and engineers who develop and maintain aircraft software. The team of experts ensures that processes and procedures followed utilized before, during, and after a flight is fully operational. The strategy helps Emirates in reducing accidents and inconveniences caused by technical problems (O'Connell, 2011). Also, the experts work swiftly to resolve flight problems caused by technical difficulties. Quick response to emergencies and flight challenges through a team of experts has given Emirates commercial Airline a competitive advantage.

Diversifying Operations in the Tourism and Hotel Industry

Further, Emirates Airlines has majored in the tourism and hotel industry with the aim of diversifying operations. The Corporation has also acquired resorts and spas, all of which are well-operated. The investment in tourism, hotels, resorts, and spas acts as a substantial support for the carrier industry. The passengers boarding the Emirates flights become the customers of the hotels, restaurants, and spas the corporation owns (Grimme, 2011). Creating direct routes to various tourist destinations around the world gives the commercial airline an advantage in the industry. The tourists to the designated destinations are very likely to board Emirates Airline which has direct routes to the region. Therefore, the various strategies used by Emirates commercial Airline has given it a competitive advantage over its competitors and has enabled the corporation to thrive amidst stiff competition in the industry.


Grimme, W. (2011). The growth of Arabian airlines from a German perspective–A study of the impacts of new air services to Asia. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(6), 333-338.

O’Connell, J. F. (2011). The rise of the Arabian Gulf carriers: An insight into the business model of Emirates Airline. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(6), 339-346.

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