Social Life in Dallas

Over cities, towns, and suburbs, an urban region is occupied with human settlement and advanced infrastructure. Dallas is the most populous and one of the most developed cities in northern Texas, set on the rolling prairies (US News 2017). Dallas has grown as a destination for immigrants from Mexico, Europe, and Asia looking for work and a higher quality of life. The infrastructure is cutting-edge, with new buses and passenger trains circling the city. The main route is lined with various shopping malls and stores, with Dallas Galleria and Neiman-Marcus noticeably excited. Dallas is dominated by architectural modern and post-modern sky crappers giving an ecstatic site; for instance, the Reunion towers and the JFK memorial make the city elegant. The city has huge modern highways termed as the interstate highway system which converges in the city enhancing transportation activities. The number of motorists is massively huge making the highways to be extremely busy with sleek and expensive vehicles causing a hitch in traffic flow (US News, 2017). The town has one of the best hotel and restaurant industries, ranging from cheap to five stars classic hotels featuring cuisines from all over the world. Therefore, the atmosphere in the city center is aromatic.

Dallas city is dominated by the white population, and Hispanics are forming the largest ethnic minority and also part of the migrant population in the city. The population of the youths between 20-35 years is overwhelming who can be seen busying in their errands and businesses.

Importance of city-life description and what they tell about urban life

Dallas has a massive population with a multi-cultured setting. Life in this city is attractive and thrilling owing to the flashy and lavishness offering a fantastic and spectacle experience. People with different cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and religion dwell in the cities working and doing businesses. Nevertheless, the low class or financially unstable people who migrate to the urban centers in search of jobs and a living also form part of this population (Atia, 2017). The description of urban life is essential to give an insight of the life experience and therefore contribute to an individual decision making. Most importantly, the tolerance and appreciation of different culture form a vital concept in urban life. However, different cities lean to a particular cultural belief and practice depending on the religious inclination and region where it is located.

Examination of urban life also reveals the difference in social class of the city dwellers. In most cases, the wealthy and rich evidently live a flashy life owning and driving expensive cars whereas most of the low-class city dwellers are pedestrians while others use bicycles to move round the city. Dallas is not an exception to homelessness menace, the low-class citizens, and the immigrants from the majority of this group. The government has put considerable efforts to arrest the case of homelessness through financially supporting the citizens acquire accommodation and building homes for them.

The practice of cultural diversity in cities

Dallas is rich in cultural diversity with immigrants from all walks of life including Mexico who finds the city close and an easy target for expatriates. The majority of the population is made up of whites, but its development and expansion have integrated the blacks, Asians, and Latinos. Many people speak English while the migrants speak their language. Initially, the city was pre-dominantly a Christian town, but the foreign population introduced a mixture of religion and cultural practices (Du, 2016). For example, the immigrants from Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia have imported Buddhist culture and practices into the city. Technically, this showcases that the city is liberal and multi-cultured owing to the positive gesture of accommodating other cultures and religions.

Economic disparity

Apparently, the economic disparity can be identified in the city although not a massively significant difference. The upper class is extremely rich evident in their fashion choice, vehicles they use and other accessories. Also, the system in the city favors the citizens who also have numerous financial benefits from the government (Badrulhisham & Othman, 2016). Therefore, there is a presence of an extremely wealthy upper class, moderately populated middle-class and extensive invisible laborers largely dominated the expatriates. Although, expatriates who are in professional jobs also form part of the middle class, getting the only benefit of reduced rates on services.

Growth and Development aspects in cities

Gentrification explains the shift in property trends and expansion of residential homes from the city center towards the country side due to the surge in population and foreign influence. The city of Dallas experiences growth and expansion towards the west making land owners resort to selling their lands for infrastructural development and residential houses for peoples’ accommodation. Consequently, the city expands into the countryside swallowing the villages leading to the loss of identity of the locals. Essentially, this development showcases the nature of the cities to expand with the continued increase in population.

Crime and Offenses

The city of Dallas has a significantly high crime rate occasioned by different factors. Firstly, the city is close to Mexico is an easy target of drug trafficking business. The drug lords cause violence including murder and destruction of properties fighting to control drug trafficking roads. Also, the growth of the city and lavish lifestyle makes the jobless population which includes the immigrants to engage in criminal activities. Therefore, the urban setting provides a favorable environment for illegal activities due to the influx of population and high rate of cash flow.

Immigration policies and regulations

The low-class residents suffer many challenges to make ends meet where housing and accommodation pose a severe problem to their quality of lives. The expensive urban lives make it difficult for them to afford rent and comfortably sustain themselves. Therefore, this paper sets out to enlighten the exciting and lavish life of urban centers as well as the challenges encountered by different people (Badrulhisham & Othman, 2016). Also, not all the city dwellers are well off and can afford a decent lifestyle. Again, there are different classes of people with the laborer living the lowest quality of life. Urban areas have numerous challenges because of the massive population and continued increase of immigrants from other nations. Discussed below are some of the solutions to the problems bedeviling cities.

Urban problems and possible solutions

Dallas experiences social problems eroding the core of morality in the city. The flashy life in the city and luxury makes it conducive to immorality and drug abuse. The visitors import their controversial practices and cultures which corrupts the locals causing them to lose identity. The clash of cultures can be sorted with designing policies which will demand compliance with the local culture to receive services or smoothly operate in the cities. Also, stringent rules and regulations to be enforced against the foreigners perceived to import controversial culture and practices with possible consequences including jail term or deportation.

Urban sprawl is another adverse development faced in Dallas through the rapid growth of housing infrastructure from the city towards the countryside (Atia, 2017). Consequently, land that would otherwise be used in agriculture has encroached for construction of residential. A possible solution is to advise for the government to protect agricultural land through investing in the lands and make it virtually impossible for the city developers to en-crouch.

Immigrants and local citizens from the countryside visit the cities in pursuit of employment opportunities. If they fail to secure job opportunities, these people will be left idle thereby contributing to the anti-social behavior. Insecurity will crop with the unemployed population engage in theft, mugging, and pick-pocketing. The situation can be escalated in some of the idlers to dangerous robbery with violence to meet their wants (Du, 2016). The political class of Dallas can create jobs for the locals and sustain them with necessary benefits to afford a decent life. Stringent immigration policies should be put in place ensuring that foreigners only migrate to the city when they have job security.

Cultural dilemma

Dallas suffers dilemma of cultural disappearance because of the increasing population of foreigners with a different culture, with the city risk losing their original identity. There are often conflicts in the culture of the residents resulting in people adopting common grounds and practices to reconcile the disparity (Du, 2016). Dallas current culture tolerates prostitution and other foreign practices which happens indiscreet and in lavish places. Moreover, drug trafficking has penetrated the city owing to the migrants from Mexico. The current culture and practices in the city are compromised because it does not align with the Christianity which forms the historical background of the city. The city leadership should encourage good morals through relevant constitutional institutions. Lastly, the illegal activities should be decisively dealt with to preserve the city’s reputation.


The population in Dallas city is multi-cultured evident in their daily lives, interaction, and practices. Dallas is a destination for expatriates and immigrants from around the world in search of job opportunities. There is an economic disparity in the city as shown by the assets, accessories, and grooming of the city dwellers. Urban areas also experience a lot of dynamism occasioned by the surging population. Therefore, these places are overly congested which makes infrastructural and residential housings to advance to the countryside. Consequently, the villages and its people are slowed which ends up causing an identity crisis. However, the immigrants might suffer homelessness because of unfavorable rules and policies.

Crime and other immoral practices are also common in the urban centers due to a mix up of cultures. All these are caused by the entrance of foreigners with different cultural traditions. The immigrants are notably risking the security of the city with their drug business and violence culture. Nevertheless, Dallas has stringent and policies on crime and other unethical behaviorism which have been enforced to reduce and eliminate illegalities. Besides, the myriad challenges faced by individuals in the major towns require the involvement of different stakeholders to adequately address them. For instance, the government has a pivotal role in establishing most appropriate policies that cater for security and developmental issues. Most cities and towns in the US and other parts of the world experiences similar problems associated with overcrowding and high rate of unemployment. This premise justifies why the government should engage various stakeholders such as the residents, not for profit making organizations, employers and the entire society to allow collection of adequate information for urban development planning. Embracing this proposal will ameliorate collaboration among the parties which will ultimately help to deal with social problems attributed to high influx of people in the city.


Atia, M. (2017). Urban Transformations in the Middle East and North Africa from a

Geographical Perspective. International Journal Of Middle East Studies, 49(02), 327-330.

Badrulhisham, N., & Othman, N. (2016). Knowledge in Tree Pruning for Sustainable

Practices in Urban Setting: Improving Our Quality of Life. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 234, 210-217.

Du, R. (2016). Urban growth: changes, management, and problems in large cities of

Southeast China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5(3), 290-300.

US News, (2017). Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas Metro Area. Retrieved from on Dec. 9, 2017.

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