Scramble and Partition of Africa

The majority of Christian missionaries during the colonial era left the comfort of their native countries and traveled to distant, hostile areas, making them respected men (Okon, 2013). Through impartiality, the availability of Western education, and the proclamation of forgiveness and peace, they promoted constructive cultural transformation. This drew converts who could not understand the contrast between the love displayed by the missionaries, who were both white, and the cruelty faced under the colonial soldiers.

Over its protectorates in East Africa, the British advocated for the use of indirect control. (Bates, 2015). The Germans, on the other hand, used direct rule, leading to resentment, resulting in rebellions such as the Maji Maji war (Giblin, & Monson, 2010). Later on, the Germans were prompted to start adopting local existent leadership structures into their leadership style.


I tend to think that the Pepsi 2004 ‘we will rock you campaign’ is undisputable as the best ad ever. It integrates three different timespans; medieval, the 20th, as well as the 21st Century. The colosseum setting, along with musicians such as Pink, Beyonce, Britney Spears and Enrique singing to Queen’s anthem is highly captivating.

Response to Classmate’s Post

It would be wrong to call Donald Trump's stance as hotheaded or arrogant. He is just a nationalist who is not shy to voice out and take action. We can actually see that unlike his predecessor, he takes immediate action when the red line is crossed, for example, when the Syrian government gas bombed its citizens, he acted swiftly.


Bates, F. (2015). British rule in Kenya. Washington State University, 26(12:10-1)

Giblin, J. L., Monson, J. (2010). The Ngindo: Exploring the center of the Maji Maji rebellion. Maji Maji: Lifting the Fog of War. Leiden: Brill 2010.

Okon, E. E. (2013). Christian missions and colonial rule in Africa: Objective and contemporary analysis. European Scientific Journal, 10(17), 192-207.

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