Sara Ahmed: Living a Feminist Life

Feminism and Its Impact on Society

Feminism is a recent trend that has led to different issues in the modern society. The factor of feminism, which began in the 19th century has led to a change in the society through addressing matters in different ways. The 21st-century feminism has different ideas that seek to be advanced to the society. While feminists look at different aspects of equality in the society, the prioritization of female agenda has taken a significant course of events when it comes to the development of an application to help solve matters. Sara Ahmed in her book living a feminist life gets to handle the issues that come with feminism and provides an insight into her life as a feminist. The most critical issues are looked into with a foundation to determine the needs of women. Therefore, in her book, Sara Ahmed addresses the most fundamental needs of the feminists and designs a movement that would ensure equality in the society.

Sara Ahmed's Feminist Perspective

Sara Ahmed has different credentials that enable her to make the feminist judgments that she has done. The author of the book served in a male-dominated workplace where sexual harassment was the norm. Not only did the sexual harassment issues affect her workplace, but many other places. Therefore, she decided to talk about the female stance in the society. On the other hand, she makes her judgment as for the leader of a feminist killjoy movement that helps to handle feminism in the society. She carries out sensitization and has been a mentor of many killjoy enthusiasts in the past years. Therefore, Sara writes from an informed standpoint that also gets to make a statement of appeal to the society on how women should be treated.

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