A versatile, disciplined and committed sales personnel. Equipped with efficient communication and organizational skills to oversee efficient sales and improvement in customer loyalty.
06/2017 to present Walgreens store Woodside, NY
Sales Assistant
Manage Client requests.
Establishment an efficient arrangement of products
Guide the clients through the purchase process.
Note and submit customer interests to the company
Assess client preferences and trends.
03/2015-05/2017 Coffee Shop South Richmond Hill, NY
Sales Assistant
Document and store client information.
Attend to client requests and disputes.
Identify areas within the shop that could be improved.
Assessment of shifting client preferences.
Guiding the client through the menu.
Manage the sales inventory.
Computation of numerical data reflecting student needs.
12/2014-03/2015 Elementary school Woodside, NY
• Guided the young students through simple arithmetic.
• Corrected student mistakes.
• Identified resources that could be used to improve student outcomes.
• Assessing student progress.
• Inferring and communicating student needs to the parents.
• Provision of emotional support to the students.
2012-Present University of New York South Richmond Hill, NY
Class of 2012 Bronx Regional High School Bronx, NY
Class of 2008 Bronx Junior Elementary Bronx, NY
Core strengths
Team player.
Exceptional Communicator
Ayesha Majid
Sales Manager, Walgreens Store
Woodside, NY 11377.
Tom Parking
Supervisor, Coffee Shop
South Richmond Hill, NY.