Rock Health organization

Halle Tecco and the Establishment of Rock Health

Halle Tecco established the Rock Health group in August of that year. Nate Gross, a fellow HBS student who assisted him, discovered that they both had a similar passion in starting a non-profit company that would offer incubator services to people. These services assist firms in growing by providing office space and office supplies like computers, printers, and scanners to business owners who provide legal business counsel, handle bookkeeping, marketing, team building, and other administrative support.

The Challenges Faced by Rock Health

They scheduled a meeting where the seven teams of health-tech business owners could meet shareholders and showcase their goods and services. They faced challenges of lack of enough resources, advice during the time of startup, competition, and hospitals failing to merge with them and which hindered their aims of connecting entrepreneur deeds and hospitals.

An Efficient and Dynamic Workforce

The administration included entrepreneurs, researchers, and clinicians. They were committed to their work even in the absence of the CEO and looked at it to be dynamic and efficient.

The Emergence of Healthcare Technologies

Healthcare technologies emerged in the late 1990s with the WebMD one of the medical related websites that showed the checklist of symptoms, drug information, physician blog, and the general medical information. The health vault was introduced in 2007 which showed the health information and personal health records on a secure server. By 2012 smartphones were presented with many medical applications to complement the personal computers and which forced Rock Health organization to put their events on websites and what they offered. The sites promoted their group and made it become known to many people, and the ones who were interested in it got access so easily. The organization was well positioned to be accessed by the customers and segments were made across many countries including Canada, Mexico, United States, China, Britain, and Germany.

Work Cited

Higgins, Robert F. & Cornell, Ian McKown. Rock Health. Harvard Business School. 2013, pp. 1-21.

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