Revision and Editing of an Essay on Courtesy in the Workplace

1. What specific revision changes did you make from the first draft to final draft of this essay and why?

First, I had to change the thesis statement. My initial thesis statement did not describe into details what the paper was all about; it did not prepare the reader for the contents of the article. In the final draft, the thesis statement I chose prepares the reader to what will be addressed in the paper.

Secondly, I revised the topic sentences for paragraph three and six. The initial topic sentences were mixed up and did not inform the reader of details what the paragraphs will be about. However, after changing the reader can be aware of what will be addressed in the paper by going through the topic sentences.

Lastly, I collected the use of the apostrophe, primarily on the word colleague. This is intended to show possession. Initially, it had been wrongly used.

2. What specific editing changes did you make from the first draft to final draft of this essay and why?

I restructured the paragraph 2 to bring out the relationship that exists between courtesy and work. Initially, I had discussed ethics in the workplace, which in some way seemed to be deviating from the topic sentence of the paragraph. Thus by rewriting the paragraph, I was able to explain how courtesy in communication is applicable in the work setting. Again in paragraph one I had to add one sentence to expound on how courtesy causes dysphoria. Initially, the reader would not be able to understand how the two are related as it was not clearly demonstrated.

3. Do you feel your writing has improved as a result of the work you have done to complete this essay? If so, in what ways?

Evidently, my writing has improved because of completing the essay. I had to go again through the use of thesis statements and topic sentences. Unlike before now the thesis statement and the topic sentence introduce the reader to what will be discussed in the details in either the paper or paragraph.

4. What specific feedback was most useful to you in revising and editing your work?

The most useful feedback was on how to structure the topic sentences and topic statements. The topic statement and thesis statement form a core part of any paper, and thus knowing how to structure them translates to a positive direction in my writing process.

5. What skills did the writing process for this essay help you strengthen if any?

Creative writing.

Writing about an abstract topic requires the writer to think outside the box. This is not a topic you can research. As a writer, you have to express your ideas and thoughts explaining the topic stated.

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