Recruitment Process

I am fascinated to join your organization as a (position). I admire the work that you are doing in the field of marketing. I am organized to work hard to meet your expectations.
I have excellent people skills. I can communicate both English and Spanish very well. I worked as sales companion and office assistant in the past. Furthermore, I am also highly expert in Microsoft Office. In my previous jobs, I always make sure that I am educated about our products and programs to be able to share these with potential clients and visitors. I can work with minimum supervision, and I am also high quality even under pressure.
Attached is my resume and application letter. I can come for an interview at your most convenient time. Thank you for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours,



April 27, 2017

Name, Title



Dear Mr. /Ms. (Name of Hiring Manager)


I am interested to join your organization as a (position). When I learned about the opening from the local paper, I immediately prepared my application materials. I admire the work that you are doing in the field of marketing. I believe that being one of your employees would enhance my knowledge in sales and marketing. I am prepared to work hard to meet your expectations.

I have excellent people skills. My capacity to converse in both English and Spanish can contribute to reaching more clients. My exceptional communication skills were most effective when I worked for almost two years as a sales associate. I am also good in making people feel at ease. When I was an office assistant at a local school, I would cheerfully assist parents and visitors. I make sure that I am prepared with information about the products clients may be interested in or about the programs that the school visitors would like to participate in.

I am highly proficient in Microsoft Office and I have a good eye for detail. I am organized and I manage my time efficiently. In my previous jobs, I was assigned a variety of tasks and was able to produce excellent output. I can work with minimum supervision and I am also effective even under pressure. I respect my superiors and I look forward to learning from them.

I appreciate the time you have given to my application. May I email you in two weeks- time to ask about the results? I can come for an interview at your most convenient time. If you would need additional information please contact me at the numbers above.

Thank you very much.



Enclosure: Resume


Phone; Email


Key Qualifications

Excellent people skills

Speaks English and Spanish

Proficient in Microsoft Office

Extremely organized and manages time efficiently

Can work under pressure with minimum supervision

Work Experience

Sales Associate, Express Nov 2014- May 2016

Provided customers with information about the products

Recommended products to customers

Managed cash register

Organized display of products in the store

Received deliveries

Involved in physical inventory counts

Office Assistant, McGinnis School Sept 2013 – Oct 2014

Filed, encoded, and managed correspondence

Purchased supplies and managed inventories

Prepared minutes of meetings

Welcomed visitors and linked them to appropriate personnel

Facilitated student transfers


High School Diploma June 2005

Graduated with 3.4 GPA

Concentration in General studies


Available upon request

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