Qualitative Research

Saboo, Talaviya, Chandarana, Shah, Vyas, Nayak, 2014, Prevalence of obesity and overweight in housewives and its relationship with household activities and socioeconomic status
The prevalence of obesity among Indian housewives is discussed in this study (Saboo, et al., 20). Wealthy women, according to Saboo et al., are more likely to gain weight as a result of their inactivity. The article begins by examining the factors that contribute to women's obesity, which include childbirth, poor eating habits, and a lack of exercise (Saboo, et al., 20). Most housewives, in particular, appeared to be content with their lifestyles and thus made only a minor effort to control their weight. Obesity is attributed to various lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Saboo, et al. note that excess weight may be difficult to control if not well regulated, and hence there is a need to ensure that one checks their health status periodically (20). According to the article, rapid urbanization contributes to the weight gain among women due to the acquired sedentary lifestyles in the city, especially in India (Saboo, et al., 20). The aim of the research paper was to find a connection between obesity in housewives and their activity levels in Ahmedabad City in India. The study gathered data by categorizing the participants in their social classes, and the body mass index was used to evaluate whether a person was obese or not.

The research article qualifies to be an excellent study question because it gives way to an analysis of the data acquired during the survey. The research question also enables the reader to understand the aim of the research which, in this case, is to find the relationship between the women’s activity rate and obesity. Finally, the study question is objective and hence allows the researcher to gather unbiased information and later summarize it logically.

Part Two

What is a good research question?

A good research question is one that establishes reasons and purposes of conducting the study (Baglione 48). A perfect research problem will also give way to the justification of the study and for easy review (Craig 40). A good qualitative study question should also be probing with the aim of seeking for a solution or raise a discussion (Koro-Ljungberg, Mirka, and Hayes 30). The study question should aim at enhancing the existing research, opposing the findings or filling some gaps (Service 615). It is imperative that the question addresses a broad subject that can, later on, be narrowed down into a single concept.

The inquiry should provide more than one response, and it is important that the investigator can find prior studies conducted on the same subject (Catherine, Ziebland, and Mays 114). It is also significant that the survey question is not too broad which again makes it difficult for the scientist to narrow it down and establish conclusive findings (Sullivan 452). A suitable probe should be able to serve the interest of the analyst and other people. It is important that the topic addresses societal issues and those that have the potential of improving the society and their livelihoods (White 36). A valid question also ought to be subjective so that the researcher can make good interpretations based on the results and data gathered during the investigative process (Golafshani 600). The study question should also have a purpose which can be achieved through the findings (Fielding 24). Finally, Terrell (26) notes that a good research question should be easy to understand and open-ended to enable the experimenter to develop enough content on the subject.

Works Cited

Agee, Jane. "Developing qualitative research questions: a reflective process." International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 22.4 (2009): 431-447.

Baglione, Lisa A. Writing a Research Paper in Political Science: A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods, 2015.

Banshi Saboo, Praful Talaviya, Hardik Chandarana, Smita Shah, Chintal Vyas, Himanshu Nayak "Prevalence of obesity and overweight in housewives and its relation with household activities and socio-economic status." Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research 1.1 (2014): 20.

Craig, Dorothy V. Action Research Essentials. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass, 2009.

Donnelly, Roisin, John Dallat, and Marian Fitzmaurice. Supervising and Writing a Good Undergraduate Dissertation. Sharjah: Bentham Science Publishers, 2013.

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Koro-Ljungberg, Mirka, and Sharon Hayes. "Proposing an Argument for Research Questions that Could Create Permeable Boundaries within Qualitative Research." Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research 4.3 (2010).

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Terrell, Steven R. Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation: Guidelines and Examples. New York: NY. Guilford Press. 2016.

White, Patrick. Developing research questions: A guide for social scientists. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

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