Professionalism in Teaching and Learning

The Importance of Highly Trained Teachers

The effective and efficient learning process is vital in any learning institution. There is a fundamental need for highly trained teachers and assessors. The quality of education goes in tandem with the quality of teachers in the system. The learning professionals in the learning system are therefore integral and since they inculcate the required skills to the learners. Perhaps, professional identity of trainers and teachers brings the difference between success and failure of the learners.

The Significance of Professionalism in Education

Professionalism refers to the scope of knowledge, skills and the practices related to teaching. Professionalism in education is integral because it facilitates effective and efficient teaching process. There are fundamental factors that are integral in professional teaching and learning. Professional must uphold high professional standards in teaching and training. Their respective professional bodies closely support them. Teaching and training professionals must possess a strong commitment while sharing the knowledge to the learners. Moreover, the professionals should be able to make sound judgements and decisions based on the experience and exposure in teaching and training. Trust and professional accountability are required autonomously.

The Concept of Dual Professionalism

Dual professionalism refers to a teacher having in-depth knowledge and understanding of the teaching and learning process. Moreover, these skills are coupled with excellent knowledge in their respective subject of teaching. The role of teaching dual professionals is to ensure that they utilise their skills to bring the best out of the leaners. Professional teaching entails giving freedom to the teachers to innovate especially in delivering the content. The curriculum provides the teacher's guidelines on how to use various methods to bring the best out of leaners (Evans, L. 2011, 851-870). Dual professionalism allows the teachers to innovate and utilise technological tools to motivate the learners.

The Importance of Ethical Values in Education

Education professionals should also uphold a high level of ethical values. The professional reflection goes in tandem with ethical values in teaching and training. Personal commitment is highly regarded in teaching and training. The public benefit should come first over personal issues. Professional work entails creating teaching and learning environment with equality and diversity. Also, professionals use the experience and expertise in a free manner informed by the existing professional policies (Ihr, D. 2011).

The Role of Professional Values in the Learning Process

The professional values are the backbone of any efficient leaning process. Standards of teaching and professional values are fundamentally required in any professional teacher. Personal commitment to implement educational reforms and standards allows for easy dissipation of knowledge. A teacher should spend most of their valuable time in trying as much as possible to instil knowledge to the learners as per the required academic standards.

Importance of Prompt and Appropriate Decision Making

Prompt and appropriate decision making is also vital in teaching. Public trust is highly regarded in teaching. Trust is coupled with a high sense of responsibility. The professional standards for professional teachers to be productive in teaching. The enthusiasm and charisma of teaching should be at optimum to facilitate effective teaching and learning process.

The Role of Teachers as Role Models

The teacher should also consider the success of the leaner primarily paramount. There are common objective and goal in the education process. To instil knowledge. The experience, qualified and ethically equipped professionals inspire the learners. The system often regards the teaching and training professionals as the role models. They thus significantly impact learners, the individual families and perhaps the economy at large.

Professional Standards in Teaching

Professional standards in teaching are the resources relating to the performance of teachers and professional learning tenets. The standards help in the development of knowledge and learning skills (McNay, I. 2007, 43). It increases the teaching capacity and effectiveness in education. Several teaching and professional standards are applicable. These include;

Setting High Teaching Expectations

Setting high teaching expectations- it entails creating a conducive and stimulating environment for the learners. The teacher is required to set realistic and achievable learning goals. Moreover, the teacher also demonstrates positive values and attitudes in tandem with the expectations of the learners.

Promoting the Educational Progress of Learners

Promoting the educational progress of learners- the teachers are responsible for guiding the learners to grasp the knowledge. The teacher also assesses the educational capabilities of individual learners. The students are also required by the system to be responsible and be academically conscious.

Good Demonstration of Knowledge

Good demonstration of knowledge- the teachers are required to possess impeccable knowledge and understanding of the respective subject of teaching. The teachers are thus responsible for promoting high standards of literacy. Teaching strategies and systematic phonics are paramount.

Fulfilling Wider Professional Responsibilities

Fulfil the Wider professional responsibilities- professional teachers are responsible for making positive contributions to the leaners. Establishment of an appropriate relationship between the teacher and learner is vital in a learning process. Support staff should be utilised effectively to improve academic standards. Also, a teacher should develop the learner academically and morally. Efficient communication between the teacher and parents is also of utmost importance in the learning process.


Indeed, these professional values fit with the professional standards that I desire. For instance, I regard professional ethos, policies and educational practices as the backbone of teaching. Developing trust with the learner is what makes learning fascinating. Having a solid foundation of content and skills to deliver to the learner are the two fundamental factors that I hold dearly. As a teacher, I also observe the existing statutory frameworks on professional teacher standards. These include putting the interests of the learners above the rest.


Evans, L., 2011. The ‘shape’of teacher professionalism in England: Professional standards, performance management, professional development and the changes proposed in the 2010 White Paper. British educational research journal, 37(5), pp.851-870.

Ihr, D., 2011. The UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education.

McNay, I., 2007. Values, principles and integrity: academic and professional standards in UK higher education. Higher Education Management and Policy, 19(3), p.43.

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