The paper will address the understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder among people affected. The determination of the symptoms which are categorized in various ways will also be discussed within the paper. These consist of re-experiencing, avoidance, hyperarousal, and negative beliefs and thoughts. Besides the identification of diagnostic process of the condition will also be determined with the paper. Lastly, the possible treatment options will also be illustrated in the paper. The alternatives which will be discussed consist of cognitive behavior therapy which focuses on the process of changing the evaluation and responding means. The others consist of exposure therapy which highlights the treatment of behavior with the aim of reducing fear, anxiety and having full comfort from being exposed to feelings and thoughts. The commitment and acceptance therapy is also another alternative option in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders to be evaluated — lastly, the movement of eye desensitization and reprocessing. The conclusion will also be indicated to summerise the entire paper.
The key world
Post-traumatic stress disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment option.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is known to as a mental health illness which affects individuals by triggering the occurrence of terrifying events. Further, this can either be through when an individual experienced it or os witnessing the phenomenon. The condition creates or instills fear in an individual after sometimes in the mind of an individual — a variety of emotional disturbances and associated symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder. Primarily this can take the forms of either through isolation of a single event or existence of more recurring and chronic experiences which traumatizes people. The symptoms of this illness can cause significance in clinical distress or impairment of social interactions their ability to work as well as essential areas of functioning. Post-traumatic stress disorder has an impact on many people affected, therefore understanding the symptoms would be necessary to apply the possible treatment options.
The existence of post-traumatic stress disorder affects nearly 70 percent of the total adults in the united states of America at least one time in their lives. Such statistics in mind is vital to note that many people who often experience the traumatic event do not develop the condition. There have led to the likelihood in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. They are included and not limited to physical or mental health, the establishment of emotional response which takes place during the trauma, age marital status gender and the type of injury (Javidi, " Yadollahie, 2012). Besides, it is necessary to understand the various kinds of post-traumatic stress disorder among people in society. These can be determined through identification and specification from diagnosis which distinguishes the present features. Some of the types consist of the dissociative situation which is the presence of persistent and recurrent symptoms of derealization. Primarily this means that an individual can experience something when they are the observers of the occurrence of the event (Pitman, Rasmusson, Koenen, Shin, Orr, Gilbertson, " Liberzon, 2012). The other one is the delayed onset which entails the specifier of the condition met only after six months from the occurrence of the event — lastly, the complex specifier which involves isolation of experiences and instances of the acute state of trauma like the car accident or getting robbed at gunpoint. They are considered to be complicated since they often keep recurring most of the time.
The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can be experienced throughout the entire life of an individual. However, many people will not be able to develop the occurrence of the condition. There are specific symptoms which should be put into consideration to be referred to as a criterion of diagnosis. These have various categorization such as Pre-experiencing which entail having nightmares, frequently upsetting memories about the occurrence of the event. Others consist of having a strong feeling of distress when reminded to the event, having a physical response like an increase in sweating or heart rate. The avoidance is another division of categories of the symptoms. Primarily this consist of making an effort to try to avoid the feelings, thoughts, and conversation of the event, avoiding places or individual who constantly reminds on the occurrence of the traumatic event (Roberts, Gilman, Breslau, Breslau, " Koenen, 2011). The third one is the hyperarousal symptoms which involves feeling irritable or increased outbursts of anger, developing difficult times falling asleep and difficulties in concentrating. Other symptoms under this type entail being easily startled or jumpy, having the feeling of constantly on guard — lastly, the development of negative beliefs and thoughts. These involve having difficult times in developing or remembering essential parts of the event, having the feeling too distant from other people, having loss of interest on sensitive activities and feeling as the life would be cut short.
The diagnosis and treatment options of this condition are imperative to assist the patients affected. Therefore to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder an individual requires to possess the above symptoms. There is a possibility that some of the affected people often experience these symptoms. As a result, receiving diagnosis requires a person to have a certain number of symptoms from each of the category of the symptom (Ressler, Mercer, Bradley, Jovanovic, Mahan, Kerley, " Ramirez,2011). Notably, various treatment options can be applied to assist the individuals suffering from the condition. Some of these consist of cognitive-behavior therapy which focuses on making changes on the way in which a person evaluates and responds to situations thoughts and feelings which stem the condition. The explosive therapy is also another treatment option on behavioral treatment with the aim to reduce anxiety, fear, avoidance behavior of acquiring full comfort around people (Bisson, Roberts, Andrew, Cooper, " Lewis, 2013). The acceptance and commitment therapy is essential treatment on behavioral elements which is based on the idea that the suffering comes from experiences of pain as well as avoidance attempts. The essence of this treatment plan assists to overarch to have the willing of opening up to escape and avoid pain — lastly, the eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing which is also recognized as an effective therapy for the treatment purpose of the condition (Sherin, " Nemeroff, 2011). The essence of this involves the ability to think about the existence of the trauma and also pay attention to another stimulus such as moving the finger back and forth. Primarily this assists in enhancing a connection between the trauma and positive thinking.
Conclusively, the understanding effects of post-traumatic stress disorder are vital among people. The essence of this has a basis on the fact that nearly 70% of the people in America experience the effects once in their lifetime. The understanding of the different types of symptoms is vital to determine by the categorizations. These consist of re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance, hyperarousal, and negative thoughts and beliefs. The treatment of the condition is also possible to the affected individual in various ways. These involve cognitive behavioral therapy, the commitment and acceptance therapy, exposure and eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing treatment.
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