Population at Risk

The financially disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, the uninsured, low-wage youth, the elderly, the destitute, those with human immunodeficiency infection (HIV), and those with other interminable well-being problems severe psychological maladjustment make up the vulnerable population. It may also include rural residents, who often face barriers to accessing therapeutic services administrations. Race, ethnicity, age, sex, and factors such as pay, security distance, and nonattendance of a standard wellspring of treatment all increase the vulnerability of these individuals. Their health and human care problems intersect with social issues such as housing, poverty, and insufficient education. The health domain of the vulnerable population in Dallas district, Texas, can be divided into three to be specific physical, physiological and social. A few community agencies have developed inside Dallas County to provide food for the need of the defenseless populace to avoid its depletion (Bankoff, Frerks & Hilhorst, 2004).

Name of the Agency and reason for selecting the Agency

The name of the agency is Prism healthcare which offers administrations to individuals living with HIV/AIDS inside the community in Dallas County in Texas. The explanation behind choosing this organization is that is has been helping those living with HIV and AIDS in the community, and additionally those at risk of infection. The organization has a team of committed staff which gives restorative care, testing, anticipation, explore, effort, training, and case administration. Another purpose for my enthusiasm for this organization is that it goes for propelling the well-being of Dallas County through training, research, aversion, and customized incorporated HIV mind (Duehren, 2017). The team provides access to therapeutic care for small wage vulnerable populations living with HIV/AIDS and provides intensive, evidence-based prevention activities which work to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the community.

History and Mission of the Agency

Prism health care was established and begun its operation in Dallas County in 1986. The mission statement of Prism Health North Texas is to help people in getting to the health care and bolster necessary to deal with the difficulties of living with HIV/AIDS. Our primary goal gets accomplished through the accompanying working objectives: To engage people and families through compelling case administration programs; to give quality, available outpatient social insurance, and treatment that meet the exact medicinal needs of HIV+ people. The organization keeps up an intimate association with customers, their families, and parental figures that adjust to their evolving HIV-related necessities. It additionally lessens hindrances to HIV care and support by expanding full group organizations among medicinal and psychosocial specialist co-ops and guarantees engagement in backing at the nearby, state and national levels for people influenced by HIV. In conclusion, it gives exhaustive avoidance and hazard lessening exercises to groups and individuals in danger of HIV infection (Perry & Larson, 2017).

Target Population the Agency Serves

Prism Health North Texas keeps on having the considerable vision for giving HIV and AIDS administrations to the community. The Dallas people group is a statistic that is particularly swelled with HIV/AIDS cases yet is still underserved. Texas has the third biggest HIV+ populace in the United States housed inside its state and government jail framework. Every month approximately 30 HIV+ people are discharged from state and government detainment facilities toward the North Texas zone with numerous well-beings, neediness, instructive and get to challenges (Bankoff, Frerks & Hilhorst, 2004). The Prism human services targets for the most part individuals contaminated with and inclined to HIV/AIDS in Dallas County in Texas.

Services and Programs offered by Prism Healthcare

Prism health care provides effort and education to HIV/AIDS casualties. It educates the group about HIV, how to stay HIV negative, and how to have a healthy life with HIV. The Prism social insurance staff offers training to the group about HIV, hepatitis, and other sexually transmitted maladies. It incorporates data about safe sex and right condom utilize. The organization likewise offers to counsel by helping people comprehend and decrease high hazard conduct. The psychosocial bolster is additionally improved by connecting HIV constructive individuals to resources in the group and offering free condoms to the group (Bankoff, Frerks & Hilhorst, 2004).

Qualification of Clients to get Services

Prism healthcare offers its administrations to all people paying little heed to their age and wage levels. The team has exceptional policies just for the hindered aggregate which is permitted to get to every service at a free cost. People who can manage the cost of the plans pay the just little measure of money because the services by the organization get sponsored (Duehren, 2017).

My Interest in the Agency

I discovered intriguing with the organization in that it goes for getting the opportunity to zero with viable HIV treatment, PrEP, and condoms. The team empowers access to therapeutic care likewise and bolsters administrations and educating in addition to assembling our group. Robust change of lives through therapeutic advances and helping individuals with HIV to be stable and robust is incredibly fascinating with this team. As an expert medical caretaker, the administrations and projects gave by this organization are crucial since it shows me on the best way to advance soundness of the helpless populace to guarantee its congruity (Perry & Larson, 2017).


Vulnerability to HIV is the absence of the power of people and groups to limit or balance their danger of presentation to HIV disease and, once tainted, to get sufficient care and support. Indeed, even in populaces where HIV has not spread generally, a few people might be more helpless than others concerning HIV. The groups managing HIV/AIDS casualties have extraordinarily spared many individuals, and hence I prescribe rising of more groups to save the defenseless populace (Bankoff, Frerks & Hilhorst, 2004).


Duehren, A. (2017). House approves tree removal bill, breaking from Abbott and senate: The Texas Tribune Press.

Perry, S.C., & Larson, R.L, (2017). Key Texas Senate and House water committee chairmen discuss water issyes of the 85th Legislature: Print.

Bankoff, G., Frerks, G., & Hilhorst, D. (2004). Mapping vulnerability: Disasters, development, and people. London: Earthscan Publications.

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