Plato's Definition of Utopia

A nation according to Plato is structured in a way that it strengthens and supports the need for a philosopher-king. Because through a philosopher king, the Kallipolis is brought to life and the society achieves genuine happiness. In this case, Plato understood the utopia just as a concept but not a political reality. This means that Plato’s thought would not be applicable in a nation-state or the world but only to a reality of the ’retained in heaven’ republic.

What would this look like in the modern world?

Plato’s concept could not be persuasive in the modern world. Having a king who is a philosopher and with possession of special knowledge required to run the republic successfully is not enough. A philosopher king is neither persuasive to the masses nor realistic in theory but only the traces of such characteristics can be found to be ideal in a modern state. Plato’s definition of democracy is essential in understanding his argument about the rule by philosophers. Since most modern states are democratic where people have a say in the affair of their state, the concept of philosopher king could only be applicable during the Ancient Greek where the idea of majority rule was not embraced.

Do you think it would be a good idea?

In my opinion, this would be a good idea even in the modern world because making political decisions require a lot of judgment, wisdom and skills. To some extent, the leadership is a state should be left to experts but still allow people to exercise their liberty, rights and equality and the natural features of democracy.

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