Persuasive Appeal in Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial

In the world of competition, companies embrace strategies which will catch the attention of customers, and the best way of achieving this is through attention-getting ads. One of such ads is the “Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial 2018” which features Peter Dinklage rapping Busta Rhyme’s song and Morgan Freeman who initiate the rap battle with Missy Elliot song. The ad is a combination of two advertisements where PepsiCo intends to win the battle against dozens of other commercials from rival companies.

The advert is an indoor recording where Freeman begins by opening the Dew and tastes it. Immediately he begins walking across the room as he sings the song “Get your freak on” and leaves behind frozen objects including fruits. In the background, the fire is quenched and everything appears snow white. Freeman uses words such as “open your mouth, give you a taste” to encourage viewers to grab one. He meets Dinklage holding Doritos and they stare at each other followed by “Look at me now” song by Busta Rhymes. The opposite of Freeman’s scene happens where Dinklage is seen walking across the room leaving behind a fire. Pictures on the walls also come alive following the blaze. He exhales fire through his mouth when he stops singing. The phrase “you ain't never stop” implying the fire will continue burning.

Clearly, the target audiences are music lovers and movie watchers because the larger part of the ad employs music. Moreover, the characters presenting the products are actors from popular films and shows. Colors also play a major role in representing gender and races. For example, the white color in the ad stands for the female attraction while black is considered masculine. In this case, therefore, both male and female viewers are factored. Additionally, it reaches different races considering there is a black (Morgan Freeman) and a white (Peter Dinklage). Both individuals are also of different height implying that the products they promote are beneficial to all individuals regardless of differences in physical characteristics including but not limited to height.

An effective advertisement is the product of the ability to blend various components into one. In this case, appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos puts beverages being promoted at a vantage point. An ethical appeal is one of the important recipes for catching the attention of watchers. The characters promoting products in the advert are people held with reverence. For instance, many people believe that products used by notable individuals are of high quality and harmless. When audiences see the “Game of Thrones” actor Dinklage, they would be attracted to the product and use it to be or feel great. The ad earns credibility from buyers who see actors and musicians use Dew and Doritos. Popular individuals appear to be more remarkable in the kinds of remarks they giver pertaining to a product. Appeal to ethos also extends to the word choice of the characters in the ad. In the ad, Freeman states that he cannot be stopped showing how great it is to use Dew.

The logical appeal is also evident in the advert and is important in showcasing new features of company or product. As a way of ensuring that one product from the same producer does not overshadow the other, PepsiCo decided to combine two pieces of ads into one. Appeal to logic is critically employed where the characters involved promote Dew and Doritos at the same time. The idea here is to show how important it is to buy products which are supplementary. Consuming Dorito Blaze chips together with Mtn Dew Ice while watching or relaxing is reasonable. It is also logical to take a cold drink in a hot afternoon and to make it enjoyable, an accompaniment is needed. The solution is presented right in the advert by presenting the two products.

Appeal to pathos is the last element of effective persuasion in which advertisers play with the psychology of the viewers in terms of the benefits obtained from commodities. Every individual watching the ad will fear trailing behind other people in becoming great. As an example, the Game of Thrones actor, Dinklage uses the phrase “I gotta win every day” which welcomes existing and potential customers to buy the chips. He associates cockiness with eating the product and since everyone would want to be self-confident, then the element of appeal to pathos make the ad carry the day.

In conclusion, the advert represents a well-choreographed video for the sake of promoting the consumption of Dew and Doritos in the market. It combines artistic elements such as color, settings, and objects alongside ethos, logos, and pathos to persuade viewers to buy these products. However, like other pieces of visual presentations, it is not without limitation. For example, the music selection seems to discriminate against some people particularly the old who do not listen to rap music. These kinds of music are only widely accepted among youths. Perhaps in future, similar ads should employ music which is widely accepted across different age groups.

Work Cited

Mountain Dew Super Bowl commercial 2018. Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial 2018 Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage. Frito Lay North America, 2018.

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