Personality Type: ISFJ

Personality type; Judging (25%) Introverted (6%), Sensing (1%), Feeling (28%)

Based on the online test my personality type is ISFJ meaning that I have a slight fondness of introversion over extraversion, I have a marginal preference of sensing than intuition, I have a moderate fondness of feeling rather than thinking, and I possess moderate preference of judging as compared to perceiving. My introversion quality denotes that I tend to turn inward mentally. I am energized by solitude rather than socializing with external parties. I am quiet, reserved and introspective. Secondly, I am a sensor. This ideally means that I usually process information by employing the use of my five senses. According to me, realism supersedes common sense; it is better to focus on the present rather than plan for an uncertain future. Thirdly, I am more likely to make my decisions based on social considerations instead of logic. I believe that life is more about others; therefore, we ought to consider the feelings of others while acting. Lastly, I exhibit the character traits of being a judger. Judgers are individuals who approach life in a structured way, creating plans and laying down strategies that ensure their goals and objectives are achieved predictably. Judgers are both decisive and self-disciplined.

            I have to state that taking the test was an eye-opening experience to me since I was able to understand further why I behave in a particular way. The test accurately denoted my character traits since I am genuinely a reserved individual, who considers the impact of my deeds before acting. I would encourage people to consider taking these personality tests chiefly for self-reflection. By understanding the traits of others especially in work setting people will know the barriers of respect to surpass and those not to cross. This will, in turn, create a conducive work environment for employees where they can maximize their input resulting in maximum output. Firms should also employ the use of personality tests in job placements more specifically in jobs that require particular personality types or traits.

            There exist vast advantages and disadvantages that can be associated with this particular personality test. The benefits include; it is helpful since it enables one to discover themselves and also understand other people. Through the test, an individual can discover the unique traits that set them apart from the rest. A journey of self-discovery enables one to appreciate oneself further. Through the test, I was able to understand why I am such a people’s person. This can be attributed to the fact that most of my decisions are pegged on their impacts on others.  One can also foster good relationships through understanding others. Personality tests can also be used by firms to narrow down the selection of potential candidates if taken before interviews since through them employers can gain insights on the pool of candidates they are dealing with. Thirdly, this personality test can be used to identify and develop an individual’s strengths and manage one’s weakness. The analysis provides people with an opportunity to discover the array of traits/features that they possess. One can, therefore, perfect their strengths and contain their weaknesses. I am currently working on my introvert nature such that I can open up more to others to develop long-term relationships. The test may also be used to determine interpersonal characteristics necessary for some jobs (Nevid, 2015).

            Some of the disadvantages’ associated with the test include; the personality test consumes a lot of time and effort to finish. This may discourage a potential user from progressing in the test. While conducting the test, I found it to be not only long but also cumbersome. This may easily prompt a user to give in half-way. Secondly, the test is unreliable. One may obtain a different result if they take the test more than once. Thirdly, an applicant’s qualifications and experience may contradict with the tests results, therefore, making it hard for an employer to make their choice.  There also exist some instances where an applicant may answer personality tests with the aim of pleasing the employer hence discrediting the analysis.

            It is true that through understanding an individual’s personality, one can be able to predict their behavior in most social settings such as the workplace. This is primarily because an individual’s personality determines how one acts. Extroverts for instance often exhibit the character of being loud and outspoken whereas introverts are quiet and antisocial. The moment one can identify and understand the personality of a given individual they are aware of how to interact with them such that mutual respect is upheld. It is all about finding a way to communicate with another party without exceeding their boundaries.

The Bible teaches us about the importance of co-existing with each other harmoniously. This can only be achieved by respecting each other’s space, values and beliefs. Identification of one’s personality will aid us in knowing the boundaries not to overstep. As long as boundaries are respected, people can live in unison and work together towards attaining a common goal/objective.


Nevid, J. S. (2015). Essentials of psychology: Concepts and applications (custom package) (4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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