Parental Stress and Child with Autism

Scholars attempt to solve problems in the society by developing viable solutions that address issues that affect individuals in their immediate environment. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify the aspects that affect the relationship between parents and their children who have autism. From this observation, it is evident that individuals are likely to experience stressful activities that will change their relationship with their sickly children. On the other hand, the level of income plays an eccentric role in the sustenance of medical activities that are geared towards improving the well-being of their children. Therefore, parents should align their interests with research objectives to promote the welfare of their children.

            In this research study, parental stress, and children with autism act as the independent variables. On the other hand, income will act as the dependent variables because of their impact on the mental health of both the child and their parents. Ethnicity will be the dependent variable due to its different interpretation by parents. While a parent may be heavily involved in the treatment of his or her child, it is essential to note that the income of the household is likely to decrease because of high costs that incur from medical expenses among others.

Parental stress influences the growth and development of children with autism because of their high expectations from the young adults (Miranda, Tárraga, Fernández, Colomer, and Pastor, 2015). Alternatively, raising a child with autism can be difficult because of the specialized care that should be administered to the young adults and fatigue that can affect the parental skills of individuals (Seymour, Wood, Giallo, and Jellett, 2013). From this observation, it is evident that the scholars will be concerned with the impact of children with autism on the health of their parents, as well as the household income.

            Parents should align their interests with research objectives to promote the well-being of their children. It is widely believed that sickness affects the interactions of children with their parents and especially increases the stress levels among adults. While the family income may be stable, it is important to point out that the financial aspect may change to accommodate the changes caused by the health condition.


Miranda, A., Tárraga, R., Fernández, M. I., Colomer, C., " Pastor, G. (2015). Parenting Stress in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. Exceptional Children, 82(1), 81-95.

Seymour, M., Wood, C., Giallo, R., " Jellett, R. (2013). Fatigue, stress and coping in mothers of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, (7), 1547.

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