Paraguay: A Hidden Gem in South America

Despite its natural beauty and welcoming people, Paraguay is one of the least visited countries in South America. The country's culture and geography are most likely the primary factors that have led to its isolation in the past. However, for a variety of reasons, including wine, celebrities, concerts, dances, and currency, Paraguay is becoming a more well-known and appealing tourist destination.

The Influence of Spanish Cuisine

While most Paraguayan foods are grown locally, Spain has a strong influence on the recipes. The key ingredients in Paraguayan cuisine are cassava and corn (vila). Cassava, also known as Yuca in some parts of the world, is used to make cakes and bread. On the other hand, corn is used to prepare dishes like Bori Bori, a signature soup of the country. Other renowned Paraguayan foods are Revori, Jopara, Locro, to name a few.

A Nation of Distinguished Personalities

Despite the fact that the country is small and isolated, Paraguay has produced distinguished personalities including human rights activists, musicians, writers, composers, and performers who have contributed in different spheres of human activities. Some of such greatest icons include Augusta Roa Bastos and Roque Vallejos. Tourists also visit Paraguay for its colorful festivals such as the San Blas Fiestas, which is usually celebrated nationally every February with great enthusiasm. The Semana Santa is another popular festival and is normally accorded great solemnity.

The Rich Cultural Heritage of Dance

Next, the Paraguayan dances contain a rich history and heritage and are among the most popular cultural activities. There are different forms of dances in Paraguay, but the following make the country unique: Polka, El Chopi, and Pericon.

The Unique Currency of Paraguay

Lastly, Paraguay is popularly known for having the least valued currency in all the Americas. In fact, 1$ is worth approximately 5590 Paraguayan Guaraní ("Overseas Business Risk - Paraguay - GOV.UK"). As can be seen, Paraguay provides a rare opportunity to experience a unique and authentic South American life.

Works Cited

“Overseas Business Risk – Paraguay – GOV.UK” Gov.Uk, 2015,

Ávila, Cely. “About Paraguay.” Panaftosa.Org, 2016,

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