Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder can be characterized as an anxiety disease known to cause unexpected panic attacks. It is a sudden time of intense panic that can lead to trembling, sweating, and shortness of breath. The highest degree will be achieved in a matter of minutes.

In a household, some forms of panic disorder are hereditary. Others are caused by psychological stimuli, such as traumatic life-threatening incidents that were once encountered by an individual (Barlow, 2014). On the basis of such painful experience, one will always be in perpetual terror if related incidents arise in one's life. According to Barlow (2014) the disorder affects about 2.7% of the American population annually.

People suffering from panic disorder can be treated through a series of therapy sessions. Cognitive behavioral treatment is considered to be the most effective one for the condition in question (Barlow, 2014). This method of healing focuses mainly on the pattern of thinking that is prone to cause or trigger a panic attack; it also works on developing behavior that would help avoid them.

Bipolar Mood Disorder

Bipolar mood disorder is a mental condition that is associated with periods of depression as well as those of elevated mood. It can make a person feel at times abnormally irritated, energetic, or happy.

Hormonal imbalance is the known common cause of bipolar mood disorder. Other possible factors to trigger the condition may include the abuse, traumatic events, and even mental stress.

More than 1% of America population suffers from bipolar mood disorder annually (Barlow, 2014).

Mood stabilizer can be used to treat this mental disorder. Some of them include lithium, valproic acid, and divalproex sodium.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

It is a condition in which more than one distinct identity takes control of a person. It, as a rule, causes memory loss that the person cannot explain with forgetfulness (Barlow, 2014). The illness is associated with identity fragmentation. It was previously referred to as multiple personality disorder.

There are various causes of dissociative identity condition such as war, a continuous period of isolation, or loss of a parent at an early age. Prolonged trauma at childhood is also another known root of this disorder.

It is estimated that about 1% of the American population suffers from dissociative identity disorder every year (Barlow, 2014).

There is no perfect cure for dissociative identity disorder. However, talk therapy, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy assist people suffering from the condition.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder is a mental ailment that is characterized by long-standing suspiciousness and mistrust of other people. Those who suffer from this condition are usually hypersensitive and easy to irritate (Barlow, 2014). Their mood is characterized by the constant feeling of present and inevitable danger; the affected, therefore, are on a constant look out for the signs of any threat around them.

The condition is usually associated with the families of schizophrenia history. Early childhood trauma can also contribute to the disease development.

It is said that about 2 to 4% of the population suffers from this kind of disorder every year (Barlow, 2014).

The most effective treatment of people suffering from a paranoid personality disorder is a therapy that focuses on simple supportive, client-centered approach.


Barlow, D.H. (2014). Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

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