K. Nishimori, L. J. Young, Q. Guo, Z. Wang, T. R. Insel, and M. M. Matzuk (1996)

Oxytocin is required for breastfeeding but not for parturition or reproductive activity. 11699-11704 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(21).


The authors of 'Oxytocin is necessary in nursing but is not essential for parturition or reproductive behavior,' published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, investigate the role of the oxytocin hormone in reproduction using mouse trials. The authors specifically ask what the primary purpose of oxytocin is in mammalian reproductive physiology. According to the authors, oxytocin has been recognized as being critical in reproductive function in mammals on various levels. It facilitates milk ejecting following suckling, as well as uterine contractions in the course of labor, with many other roles in both males and female.

Hypothesis Testing and Observations

The authors in the present article do not make use of discovery science, but hypothesis testing. Although no hypothesis is explicitly stated, it could be that ‘male and female mice lacking oxytocin will exhibit functional defects in their reproduction.’ Discovery science primarily uses observations and documentations to make a conclusion regarding specific phenomena. On the other hand, hypothesis driven science makes use of the scientific method, including repeatable and controlled experiments, to make a conclusion. In the present paper, the authors make certain observations regarding previous studies on the role of oxytocin in reproduction. Afterwards, they formulate a hypothesis, to the effect that male and female mice without oxytocin would display functional reproductive defects. The above hypothesis is then tested via experiments and the results provided followed by a conclusion.

Experimental Design and Results

In order to determine the critical roles of oxytocin in mammalian reproductive function the authors generated oxytocin-deficient mice through embryonic stem cell techniques. They specifically deleted a gene encoding the oxytocin peptide, and transmitted this in the germ line. They tested for the ability of the offspring to produce oxytocin through gene sequencing techniques. Afterwards, they observed the mice lacking oxytocin to determine whether they were viable or fertile. They also observed for any differences in male and female functional reproductive roles. The authors in the present article did not make any predictions regarding the potential observations or results of the research activity.

Impaired Nursing Ability in Oxytocin-Deficient Mice

The researchers were able to generate oxytocin-deficient mice, both males and females, at the expected frequency. The researchers observed that the oxytocin-deficient mice were fertile and the females did not exhibit any defects in the course of both gestation and parturition. However, oxytocin-deficient mice failed to nurse their offspring. Despite displaying normal maternal behavior, the offspring of oxytocin deficient females died within 24 hours of delivery. Upon further examination, it was determined that there was no milk in the stomachs of such offspring. Although the offspring latched onto the mothers’ nipples, and while the mothers appeared to encourage such behavior, there was no release of milk resulting in pup death. Consequently, the authors concluded that the only functional defect that arises from oxytocin-deficiency in mice is the impaired ability of female mice to nurse their offspring.

Significance and Future Research

In the present study, the authors determine that inability to nurse could be a defect arising from oxytocin-deficiency. Based on the results, oxytocin is mainly critical for nursing. The authors propose that mutations to oxytocin genes as well as oxytocin receptor genes in humans could trigger nursing defects. Therefore, the authors propose the examination of women or families of women who exhibit nursing problems. This would reveal whether such mutations exist in humans. Such a research activity and resulting information could then help resolve any nursing or nutrition problems faced by mothers and their newborns.

Comparison with Scientific Lab Reports

One of the things that is similar between the paper above and the scientific lab reports written for the class is that both outline major sections such as introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, as well as literature cited. Both in the paper and in the lab reports, every step taken in the methodology is clearly written. In addition, there is a results section detailing the outcomes of experiments. A discussion section is also available exploring what the results imply.

The paper is somewhat different from by lab reports in several ways. The paper makes extensive use of other resources and works from other authors. It also examines the results of the work against those of other authors in order to document any similarities of discrepancies. The paper also contains many more details on the authors as well as the journals to facilitate finding it. There is also contact information for the corresponding author, potentially to facilitate further communication on the subject of the research activity if necessary. In addition, the experiments carried out for the scientific paper were much more elaborate. For instance, there were additional experiments to ascertain that the results obtained were not attributable to other extraneous factors.


Nishimori, K., Young, L. J., Guo, Q., Wang, Z., Insel, T. R., & Matzuk, M. M. (1996). Oxytocin is required for nursing but is not essential for parturition or reproductive behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(21), 11699-11704.

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