Obesity prevention research study

Obesity as a Public Health Issue

Obesity has become a public health issue that must be addressed because it affects both children and adults. An individual's character dictates how willing they are to confront the threat. Some people are ready to get rid of the problem, while others see it as a natural part of life. As part of resolving the challenge, health care facilities must determine how to distribute the various dimensions of wellness. Patients must be enthusiastic in obesity prevention and treatment.

Definition and Global Impact of Obesity

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization as an abnormal buildup of fat in the body, which can lead to health problems. The illness has become an international menace as it has consumed the lives of both children and adults. When the correct medical attention is administered, obesity can be prevented. It requires the effort of the patients and physical as well as the family so that obesity can be done away with. If not treated at a young age, obesity leads to further complications such as diabetes. Taking the correct diet and physical exercise can be used to reduce obesity (Consultation on Obesity and WHO Consultation on Obesity. (2000).

Nursing Theory and Obesity

According to Jung, personality has some functions which determine the behavior of an individual. The feeling is defined as the way through which an individual gets the value of an activity which is conscious. After educating the patients on the physical activity, there are those who will consider how conscious it is and how it can assist in doing away with obesity. Thinking is the function which allows an individual to get the meaning of things (Wilde, 2011). The obese individuals can understand the difference between a balanced diet and junk food and take it seriously for the sake of their health. Intuition function helps a person understand some knowledge without consciousness, and in obesity, it operates through the knowledge the obese people get concerning their health and how the type of balanced diet they can have.

Dimensions of Wellness in Addressing Obesity

Addressing obesity issues require achieving the various type of wellness beginning with emotional wellness. The obese people especially children have emotional issues since they are laughed at and made fun off. Environmental wellness is achieved through creating a surrounding whereon balanced diet can be taken for the patients. Intellectual wellness concerns educating the obesity patients on methods they can use to reduce overweight and accepting their situation instead of worsening the illness. Social wellness involves educating the entire community on obesity, the causes, effects and the prevention and treatment methods that can be applied. In that way, all people can help curb the health menace. Physical wellness is impacted to the obese people. They have to learn various ways in which they can protect themselves such as taking part in activities which require energy, running and jogging (Edlin, Golanty and Brown, 2000).


Obesity can be prevented as long as patients are willing to be cooperative with the care providers. They have to observe the diet and carry out some physical exercises. These small activities will help prevent obesity.


Consultation on Obesity, & WHO Consultation on Obesity. (2000). Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic: report of a WHO consultation ; [Consultation on Obesity, 1997 Geneva, Switzerland]. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Edlin, G., Golanty, E., & Brown, K. M. C. (2000). Essentials for health and wellness. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

Wilde, D. J. (2011). Jung's personality theory quantified. New York: Springer.

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