Nurturing Personal Development for Lifelong Growth

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Reflective Personal Development Report and plan

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Personal development constitutes an array of factors that are all  geared towards improving self-awareness, unleashing potentials in individuals, and contributing to professional advancement (Aubrey, 2010)

Additionally, Personal development is a process that takes place throughout the entire life of an individual. There are various platforms of personal growth in everyday life. However, the concept can be categorically placed into formal and informal skills that enhance understanding of self-awareness and others. In light of understanding the role of personal development, the first part of this report is going to address my four own skills and attributes in journal entries. Secondly, the report of the rs a summary and an action plan from the skills and attributes established in the journal entries. The summary and action plan premise on the strength and weaknesses of the skills therein identified in the journals. Furthermore, in the report, I will identify the three areas of personal development that will be vital to my professional advancement. My development plan and the report is pegged on the fact that understanding self and others is integral in the in social and professional development.


What is the core skill to develop? 

Focus and attention are two terms that are usually used in the same context as synonyms. However, it is imperative to establish a line of distinction between the two for a proper understanding of the usage of the terms in this section. Attention is a cognitive process that makes an individual concentrate on information (Anderson, 2004). On the other hand, the focus is a psychotherapeutic concept which allows individuals to become more explicit about what a person wants and endure the process of change (Cornell & McGavin, 2002).

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

 Attention and focus are very vital interpersonal core skills that come in handy in a social context where I need to interact with other people at the workplace, school, at home and so many other places that involve building relationships with other people. Johari window offers quadrants that enable an individual to identify the core skills they have with an understanding of self and other. The first quadrant of indicates part of self that people need to see.

Secondly, quadrant two entail what others see in other people with their knowledge. Thirdly, part three of the quadrants is what individuals know in private, and they hide it from other people, and finally, there is the unconscious part of the self that is neither known by selves or others (Luft & Ingham, 1955). The third quadrant of the Johari window made my peers confide in every time they had issues that were disturbing.

Additionally, I always give them all the focus and attention they need a fact that made them find it easy to communicate their issues with me. Leeds-Hurwitz (2009) asserts that social constructionism is a theory that attempts to elucidate ways via which people in a social setting make the interpersonal relationship stronger with an identity of communication skills that are vital.  The sole reason for picking up on attention and focus as a core skill is because they are essential ability is significant in building rapport with others in the different social setting where interpersonal relationship needs. As I have aforementioned, the people whom I relate to on a daily basis have developed more trust in me which is attributable to the attention and focus.

Additionally, the two skills are relevant for professional development were working in an environment consisting of other people would require their attention and focus on them and me equally. Similarly, the two also help me in understanding my self better. Johari(1955) postulates that self-awareness entails the part of an individual that they know even with acknowledgment from others.

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your reflections on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to answer this question)

  My attention and focus competence come into play when interacting with my peers and everyone in my environment. Though some of my friends have appreciated my skills in so many times, they have required someone to talk to and discuss issues; some still think that I have not done enough regarding offering more help with focusing on the problems they present to me to help them deal with. Additionally, my tutor kept on asserting that I need to pay more attention to classwork. In the previous comments on my classwork, my tutor kept on insisting that I needed more focus in my academic work. The contradiction between what my friends think of me about paying attention to their social issues and what m tutor comments on the theoretical work made me use the Johari window for testing my competence from the adjectives used about my levels of attention and focus.


Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

The gap that exists between showing attention and focus to my friends and showing the same in-class work is one of the weakness that I deduced from attention and focus. There is a considerable gap in the way I think of myself when comes to self-competence in concentration and center and the way my friends think, feel and know me. Additionally, my tutor’s perception of me correlates with what I have been feeling about myself about attention and focus. Using the Jung personality test, there some question that I asked myself about what others think of my levels of awareness and concentration I answered all the matter from Jung’s typology of personality test and discovered that I have an Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging personality. This translates to the way I interacted with others.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

 The core skills of attention and focus are vital components of the career advancement. The two powers will be critical in helping people interact with other workers aptly (Berger, 2005 p.426). In places where there is constant communication, it imperative to pay attention to all the instructions, and various expression from people. Additionally, the relational pattern of interaction theory postulates that individuals can enhance social relations and communication by focusing and paying attention to the modes of communication (Gregory et al., 2007).


What is the core skill to develop? 

Negotiation refers to an approach that people use to solve the difference and arrive at an agreement (Saner, 2000 p.10). In a social setting, people have diverse perceptions about the different subject matter. Nonetheless, there are instances when there is a need to have a common understanding. For example, at workplaces, people ought to have a shared vision for the organization to be successful. In such a situation, therefore it essential to have negotiation skills that would bring people together. Negotiation is a skill that I have possessed for an extended period and for that reason I selected it in this report.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

Negotiation skill is a vital element in all the aspects of life ranging from work, school, at home, families, government agencies, and every other place where different people have to express their opinions. Given the fact this pertinent skill part of life, I decided to select for this report as part of understanding self and others.

Similarly, it is a relevant skill that would ultimately contribute to my career development. There are the various underpinning of negotiation as a skill. In the first place, the negotiations theory asserts that it is a process that constitutes multiple steps to agree in any context that it requires ed (Druckman, 2006).

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your reflections on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to answer this question)

 About negotiation skills, I have been able to exude appropriate skills in negotiating the various issues that come my way. Though in some of the circumstances it never turns out to be successful, over the years I have to try to master more for improvement from the current level of negotiation competence. Management Charter Initiative: The Personal Competence Model came in handy to assist me to fathom my level of expertise. Using the structured questionnaire, I scored a 2. According to the model, scoring two translates to a competence level that is good but not consistent. Additionally, my peers in the recent past have asserted that they appreciated my negotiation skills.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

 Though the personal competence model rated me at 2 showing inconsistency in my negotiation skills, my peers, on the other hand, illustrated that they appreciated my negotiation skills which is an indication that my level of competence is high more than the score in the model. Additionally, I feel that my negotiation skills are above the score rating of the model.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

Negotiation skill is very vital in every career to build up an interpersonal relationship with other workers. According to the negotiation theory, the skill is imperative any profession for creating a harmonized and unity in the organization. Similarly, the organization needs to have a proper negotiation strategy to help them implement any new programs for the rest of the organizational workers (Hall, 2014).


What is the core skill to develop? 

Public speaking refers to a process of delivering a speech to an audience with the underlying motive of informing and persuading them (Valenzano III & Braden, 2012). Additionally, the statement presented in public speaking has the systematic organization and delivery approach that aims to achieve identified objectives.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

Public speaking is a core skill that is important not only for professional development but also for daily life activities. Similarly, this skill is essential in the sense that it is the center of human beings creating a relationship with each other, it equally influences change and decision making. I selected public speaking as a skill to reflect on because of its significance in interpersonal development. It is equally important in the sense that it creates self-confidence when sharing an individual’s experiences and thoughts that only the around can view. The Johari window in the third quadrant offers a more understanding of how other people see the self that is not known to other people (Johari,1955).

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your reflections on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to answer this question)

My current competency in public speaking as a core skill is that I have been able to aptly address an audience in a variety of context hence proving that I possess a high level of assertiveness. In light of the level of competence I have, I used the assertiveness test. The assertiveness test premises on the individual ability to formulate and articulate thoughts and opinions eloquently without the influence of others (German, 2010 p.9).  The twenty-one questions in the test proved that I have a 56% of public speaking competence. On the contrary, my peers reveal that I have more skills in executing my opinions when there is need to speak publicly. Though the test rated me at 56%, I feel that I still have less than the percentage indicated by the positive analysis.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

 There was a massive contradiction between the results of the model with an opinion of my peers related to the level of competence in public speaking. However, my perception about my level of competence is the same with those of the model score at 56% which slightly above average.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

Public speaking as I aforementioned in the introductory part of this journal section is immensely valuable in my career development. Since I will work with a variety of individuals that have their stance in ways of thinking, public speaking entails persuasive aspects that will ultimately help me persuade them to buy my ideas. The Lowell model of public speaking outlines communication and persuasion as vital components of speaking in public (German, 2010.)


What is the core skill to develop? 

Team Working refers to the context of work where individuals using their skills and abilities join hands with others with diverse skills to achieve a common goal (Salas, 2008 p.547).

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

Team working is a vital skill particularly an institution where the all the staffs are required to works as a unit to deliver better results. Additionally, team working offers an opportunity for sharing and exchange ideas for the betterment of all the worker's professional development. Similarly, it enhances understanding of self and others in the organization. Belbin Theory (2003) elucidates that the diverse skills of every member of a team are what makes the organization successful. It is, therefore, attributable to the fact many workers will exude different skills to create an organization perform better.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your reflections on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to answer this question)

 About the team working as a  core skill, I have been able to work with members of my assigned to my course for the group work. During the period of working together, I have learned that are so many skills that the fellow team members do have different from mine. The most fundamental factor is that I have been able to blend in with the unique abilities to make our working group a success. In light of critically looking into the level of competence that I have, I used the questionnaire in the team role test and fathomed that I am a team player. Though the analysis indicated that I am a team player, my fellow teammates thought of my skills not being vital in the group.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

 The team role test revealed that I  was a team player. However, my team working skills made my peers( team members) complain that I was not adding to the team’s success. The contradiction between the two sources made me feel that I was doing my best to ass, is the group in achieving its goals and that I was competent enough more than just team players as the team test role indicated.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

 The team working skill is a vital part of the success of every organization. Having this as a core skill will help me relate with other workers to contribute (123test,2017). Additionally, Belbin (2003) asserts that combining the skills make the organization more formidable in delivering its functions.

Summary and Action Plan:


The four core skills herein entered in my journal report illustrated that I have different strength and weaknesses. In the first place, this section of the report offers a personal analysis of my strength and weakness pegged on the four core skills in the report. To conduct own power and weakness analysis, I am going to use the 123 test concept of self-analysis that constitutes of the SWOT analysis.

Using the SWOT analysis delves into the core skills that offers me better chances of identifying the strengths in my abilities that are important in professional development. It further implies that after identifying my weaknesses, I will come up with possible ways of improving them to understand better myself and others that I will work within the future career. According to Johari Window, understanding self and other enhances any form of interpersonal relationship.


Public speaking is a core skill that is a strength from the journal that will be vital not only for sustaining an excellent rapport with fellow team workers but also for myself. Additionally, I think it is a strength because it allows me to take part in group assignment having identified my place in the group by being assertive and expressing myself aptly PsychTests. (2017).

            Apart from public speaking, Team working is a strength about organizational skills that play an integral role in making a working environment conducive for all workers can appreciate the diverse abilities and skills they pose. I think that having the skill of team working offers more employability chance in the later career. In line with the team role test, team working harmonizes the working environment by bringing together the differences of fellow workers to a common goal.    


Attention and focus is a weakness that I think have not been able to assist me in the group work assigned to me. Additionally, my fellow peers have appreciated the fact that I have illustrated care and concerned via the skills but are still feel that I need to do more to increase the usefulness of the core skills to enhance a rapport with fellow group members and even myself. According to Jung typology of personality theory, awareness of an individual’s weaknesses is one way of improving on the weakness to become better I relating to others and self.

Negotiation is another weakness stemming from the journal entries. Though my peers noted that I have better negotiation skills, I still feel that I need to work more the skill to improve on it. The Johari window identifies this phenomenon as part of the third quadrant where others do not know a part of self that you are the only one who knows.

Personal Development Plan






Development Area 1

Time Management

I want to  work on the way I use time allocated for the tasks given to become meet the timeframe before the stipulated time

By using comparative analysis, I am going to keep a check on the time it took me complete tasks, and the present amount of time I use to finish my assignments.

Yes, planned actions are realistic. I will work on this by drafting a timeframe table indicating all the time allocated for each task

The actions are relevant to the skill because they are determined by the time that is the primary development area. Having the timeline for each task will keep a check on any progress made on developing the skill.

The development area plan should be completed in two months.

Development Area 2

Giving and receiving feedback

In light of obtaining and providing feedback, I want to improve my communication skills

I am going to lay out a record of past instances where I failed to give feedback to my peers and set new aims of delivering feedback every time there is a need to do so. The evidence will come from the set of letters, emails, and memos. Etc.

The actions planned to develop the skill are realistic in the sense that they are achievable

In three weeks, I will set up a progress report to analyze the progress

The activities are relevant since they are pegged on the essential part of the communication system of giving and receiving feedback

This should be completed in three week’s time.

Development Area 3

Conflict resolution

The conflict resolution area will come in handy in settling disputes or difference among fellow workers

I am going to measure improvement by looking at the past number of conflicts and how I attempted to solve them, then come up with new better ways of engaging the conflicting parties

Planned actions are realistic in the sense that they guide future efforts.

In one month, I will be able to assess the number of conflicts solved

The actions I have set to use in conflict resolution will help in identifying the nature of disputes and then addressing them

One month is the time allocated for developing the conflict resolution.


Anderson, J., 2004. Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications. 6th ed. Cambridge: Worth Publishers.

Aubrey, B., 2010. Managing Your Aspirations: Developing Personal Enterprise in the Global Workplace. 1st ed. London: Oxford Publishers.

Berger, C., 2005. "Interpersonal communication: Theoretical perspectives, prospects.":. Journal of Communication, 55(3), p. 415–447.

Cornell, A. W. & McGavin, B., 2002. The focusing student's and companion's manual. 1st ed. Berkeley: Calluna Press.

Druckman, 2006. Stages, crises, and turning points: Negotiating military base rights, Spain and the United States.". Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2(30), pp. 327-360.

German, K., 2010. Principles of Public Speaking. 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Hall, 2014. Turning Points in Environmental Negotiation: Exploring Conflict Resolution Dynamics. 1st ed. Chicago: Chicago Press.

Leeds-Hurwitz, Social construction of reality. In S.Littlejohn, & K.Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory. 2009. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Inc.

Luft, J. & Ingham, 1955. The Johari window, a graphic model of interpersonal awareness". Proceedings of the western training laboratory in group development. 1st ed. Los Angeles.: The University of California.

Salas, E. N. J. C. a. M. A. R., 2008. Teams, Teamwork, as well as Team Performance: Discoveries and Developments". Human Factor. The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 3(50), p. 540–547.

Saner, R., 2000. The Expert Negotiator. 3rd ed. Kluwer: Kluwer Law International,

Valenzano III, J. M. & Braden, S., 2012. The Speaker The Tradition and practice of public speaking. The United States of America. 2nd ed. New York: Fountainhead Press.


Copies of all your completed toolkits should be included here (an appendix for each toolkit)

Understanding Self and Others


Jung personality Test =

Humanmetrics. (2017) Jung Typology Test. Available at www[LinkOnMoodle] (Accessed: date)

*Note – Jung’s original theories are dated 1921, the test itself is not written by Jung*


Personal Competence Model (Management Charter Initiative, 1992) cited in Bramley, P. (2003) Evaluating training. (2nd ed.) London: CIPD.

Johari Window =

Luft and Ingham (1955) cited in West, R. & Turner, L.H. (2009) Understanding interpersonal communication: making choices in changing times. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


VARK. (2017) VARK: a guide to learning styles. Available at www[LinkOnMoodle] (Accessed: date)

123 Teams Test =

123test. (2017) Team roles test. Available at www[LinkOnMoodle] (Accessed: date)

Assertiveness Test =

PsychTests. (2017) Assertiveness Test. Available at www[LinkOnMoodle] (Accessed: date)

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