No: 9 Explain when/how often can students “cash in” their tokens

Students will cash in their tokens for back up reinforcers when noted consistency in improving behavior. They will also exchange tokens for valuable rewards when token symbols become too much irrelevant to instill behavior change. Students will also hand in tokens when the educators want to shift from the system the natural mode.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

 There are ways that I will implement for rewarding the whole class, Students who work in groups and each. In my system, I will try to have tokens that will ensure each student have one or more. If for example, the whole group improves remarkably in performance or behavior, there will be a token for each. We also divide the class into five sub-groups. Each group, therefore, that shines the rest will receive a token collective and later exchange the token with a backup reward of their choice. Groups and individuals in the class will also have rewards taken for bad behavior.

Propose a monitoring system

To monitor the token, each student is getting I will have each child’s chart displayed in the class and as well keep a back up for myself.

Formulate a data-decision rule for determining whether to modify the program

 When children obtain too many token symbols, the token system is likely to become irrelevant in altering behavior. In countering the challenge the backup, reinforcements will come in place and later suspend the Token behavior when desired results have been achieved. The appropriate change to modify the program would be shifting from tokens to natural methods of rewarding such as praises and soft touches when appropriate.

No: 1

Write at least a paragraph addressing each of the 9 steps (a to i) in Chapter 5.  Write your spoken introduction of the system to the students. The token economy system is a suitable method of improving behavior in all spheres of life although it requires a lot of preparedness and keenly following some necessary nine steps. The firsts step in the process is to get acquainted and understand the system and behavior modification before introduction to clients.  The second step is to make an appropriate set which will enhance effective implementation. The third step will be purchasing the appropriate tokens according to the age groups and children’s needs. Also, it is significant to acquire all the necessary materials required. After being supplied with the gifts, the next thing is to compose simple rules together with the clients. The statutes shall determine for which behaviors one shall get a reward and those that will have a penalty. Finally, a time of observing behavior modification follows and later seeking help in implementing the system from others.

No: 2

A parent feels that your token economy is bribery.  How do you respond to this parent? In dealing with a parent who is thinking that our token system is bribery we will need to explain the benefits of the method of shaping behavior and help her distinguish between a reward and a bribe. Also, we should tell parents that the program teaches the kids that in life they have to work hard for the things they want.

No: 3

Hamilton comes to you to report that someone stole his tokens.  How can you prevent theft from occurring in the future?

 In curbing theft cases, one step is ensuring that tokens given to students are recorded and easily identifiable as belonging to the child. Another way is to implement punishment measures to those stealing such as disqualifying them for participating for some time.

No: 4

You caught Jeff bringing poker chips from home that look like the ones you use to reinforce students.  You had this problem once before when you gave check marks and the students made their own.  How can you prevent this behavior?

Confiscation of Tokens

Kids should know that deteriorating in behavior is unacceptable and would lead to confiscation of awards and limit exchange with backup rewards there they should keep their gifts by maintaining good behavior throughout.

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